Keynote speaker (with unfair advantage)

photo of soccer tournament trophy ceremony
A trophy for every 20k people would be about this many

Through his work here for the past 29 years and here for the past 14, jeff noel has spoken to roughly one million people. He’s constantly focused on the big picture…

Become the most admired Company in the world

The only professional speakers on the planet sharing a similar resume are his colleagues. He claims the volume and variety of the speaking engagements gives him an unfair advantage.

And of course, everything on all Mid Life Celebration’s blogs is his personal opinion only.

Next Blog

Why Are You In Trouble?


Because you don’t have time to read this.

Because you don’t have time to follow this leadership blog.

Because you keep quoting others and have no quotes of your own.

Because you keep waiting for someone else to change.

Because you feel life isn’t fair.

Because you talk a good talk, but don’t walk a good walk.

Because you’re afraid.

All of these things can be dealt with.  But you don’t know where to begin.

Begin here.

One small daily step at a time.

Humans want quick fixes.

When will you finally accept that life doesn’t work like that?

Life works the opposite.

Speaking of Fear

Dear jungle jeff readers, you probably know this, but jungle jeff is just one of five daily blogs that I write.

After speaking of fear yesterday here at jungle jeff, a few minutes later I posted an important jeff noel blog post.

And the topic at yesterday was the antithesis of the one here at jungle jeff.

Is it okay to notice personal growth and use that confidence to make a dramatic leap in progress?

One thing for sure, I’m not afraid to find out.

Click here to go there.

Does Your Vision Do This?

Does your vision – personal, professional, or both – send a shiver down your spine when you think or talk about it?

What if it did?

What would it take?

As a professional speaker, a wise person once told me, “Jeff, if you look out at your audience, and they look bored, you’re boring them”.

To me, this means if I’m  bored with my thinking, and not motivated, excited or inspired enough, it’s my responsibility to take action.

There are many ways to figure this out.  It happened to me and I’m applying my best efforts to, as Gandhi said, “You must become the change you wish to see in the world”.

What about you?

Thank goodness it’s Monday.  Bring it on.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

National Speakers Association

One word to describe the National Speaker’s Association’s Winter Conference at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida?


Why WOW?

World-class presenters.  Cutting edge information.  Inspiration.  Great sense of community.   Commited Leadership.  Entrepreneurial spirit.  Discovering possibilities.  Hope.  Laughter.  Palm trees, sunshine and Mickey Mouse.    Does it get any better than this?

What began on Thursday afternoon, will end after Sunday’s Keynote.

To those of you I’ve had the privilege to meet and get to know, thank you for your time, passion, sharing, advice, inspiration.   Looking forward to continuing these friendships in spite of our insanely busy schedules.  We can.  We will.  If we all work together.   Know who said that?  Tell you later.

A dream is a wish your heart makes.  Sweet dreams.

jungle jeff  🙂

PS.  Here’s NSA’s official website: