Jackson outlet not Jackson Glacier

australian power adapter
Came to Australia with only one. Why? We left all the others with our Son in February. Note: we can use four more.

Thinking ahead is a wise investment.


Benefits of thinking ahead? Here’s a few: 

  1. Fuels your imagination
  2. Enhances your creativity
  3. Enhances your emotional wellness
  4. Enhances your resilience  
  5. Improves your vibrancy
  6. Makes you a teacher with superior integrity

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

VIP baggage?

Airline luggage tracker
A once “impossible”process (desire) made simple with tech. Where’s my luggage?
13-second video: Airborn for 10 hours on this flight with three more to go. First flight was six hours. Total door-to-door travel time is close to 30 hours.

Baggage is compound interest on not surrendering to life’s uncontrollables.


The serenity prayer is as close to perfection as any human statement.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Time will tell, at work

man climbing a dead tree
Michael is a retired Australian Pharmacist. He, Djuan, and Jody visited in September 2019.
23-second video: Yesterday at the New York Grand Prix Meet. Olympic trials are 10 days away. Sydney ran the second fastest open-400 ever by an American. She is the world record holder in the 400-Hurdles.

You are the CEO of You, Inc.


Embrace risks, visions, and development that do not work out the way you thought they would.

Accept career mistakes as gifts.

Remember this mantra:

Launch. Learn. Revise.


Until you die.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Seven dollars is all i need

In small print, just below the circle with $4,993, is the reminder how close i am to having Delta Silver status. This will be the first time in a decade. Have enjoyed not having status with any airline for a decade.

i love traveling. i hate being gone.


Tomorrow’s trip to Australia is a hybrid.

It will not be travel that makes me gone from family.

Cheryl and i travel together to visit our Son.


It’s a three-week trip.

It is not Glacier.

Have already talked to Cheryl about coming home after two weeks.

Time will tell.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Career mediocrity

A couple sitting high in the mountains
Nathan, from Granite Park, took this photo with his self timer. Wilbur front and center.
Mountains from a summit
Nathan also took this photo on the walk to Iceberg Peak where they were sitting in the previous photo. One of my favorite places in the world, Swiftcurrent, fire tower, Is in the center.

Good enough for government work.


Career mediocrity flourishes if we never discover our purpose. Or, when we slowly get bored with our purpose and drift away, uncaringly.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.