Publish your passion

WordPress State of the Word screenshot
Publish your passion. Amen to that!
WordPress State of the Word screenshot
To the future.
College campus building with light snow
We are heading to this College campus in 48 hours. Photo from December 11, 2023. Light snow.
2-second video: Texted it to Local WordPress Meetup Organizer.

If i never try anything, i never learn anything. If i never take a risk, i stay where i am.


Matt Mullenweg said WordPress was created in 2003 with this vision, “We want to democratize publishing.”

Democratize: make (something) accessible to everyone.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Got Covenant?

Church sermon graphic
Church sermon handout
Handout to take notes for the audience.

You are consistent and have an attention to detail that I have not ever seen in anyone. You are always trying to be the best version of you and helping those that are willing to improve”

Mark Vogt, CEO, Galen College of Nursing

11.04.18 email from Mark from my solicitation after he said, He’s never met another Cast Member like me:
Mark replied, “You are consistent and have an attention to detail that I have not ever seen in anyone. You are always trying to be the best version of you and helping those that are willing to improve”

Church can be a text or email (or a phone call).

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Needs attention?

GoDaddy admin Screen
In yellow, “NEEDS ATTENTION”. GoDaddy is getting my attention. A lot. This is not a bonus. It is a concern.

Simple sounds boring yet it’s the only path to thriving.


Three career words:

  • Mastery
  • Remarkable
  • Fun

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Valuable Career Mill

Book about a Pennsylvania Papermill
i love that my Disney name tags always had/have “Spring Grove, PA” below my name.

One of the most important parts of the Disney culture is being a first-name company.


Companies that do not equip their employees with a name tag is beyond my comprehension.

This in no way benefits the customer.

It saves the company money, but does nothing to prove the company loves its customers.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Hanover Easter Sunday?

1960s family of five dressed up for Easter Sunday church
1969…my three (only) cousins, Uncle Leon and Aunt Nancy. Assuming they are headed to Easter Sunday Church in Hanover, PA.

i was born in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Raised in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.


Raised in rural Pennsylvania.

No kid has a say in where they grow up.

This is our first lesson in “playing the hand we were dealt”.

We don’t realize it when it’s happening.

We may never realize it.

But i sure do.

Son, you were raised less than a mile from Walt Disney World.

Which is better, Spring Grove or WDW?

Both provide things the other can’t touch.

In poker, four deuces beats a full house.

Twos seem insignificant in value, unless you have a bunch.

Same but different—use your imagination…

Where a person grows up may seem like twos compared to Aces like Manhattan or Paris.

But enough po-dunk small town coolness just might beat two Paris’s and three Manhattan’s.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.