Wealth defined

10-second video: Looks, and dogma, can be deceiving.

Wealth is how long you can live after you stop working, without having to work again.

dad (hat tip to rich dad, poor dad)

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Day One mentality

Three adults at a Japanese steakhouse
Favorite Disney Restaurant.
46-second video: Back up, my friend. Let’s give them a heart-stopping moment.
11-second video: Smells like chicken?

In hindsight, i maintained Day One enthusiasm for 30 years. i wish that for everyone.


The goal of the honeymoon is to sustain it for a lifetime.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Here we go again

Hand written note on napkin
Always two choices. There’s a perfect time for both. That time is now.

Make decisions. Learn from them. Repeat.





It’s a learned confidence.

Confidence, it seems, has no finish line.

Grateful for that.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Got dress code?

5-second video: Dress for success. Dress for comfort. To me, dressing for comfort is success.

If it’s not fun, i’d rather not do it.


Did many things that weren’t fun the first 40-50 years of my life.


Two things.



Them days are over.

Note: Still the most ambitious human i know. Personal vibrancy is a concept i “invented/stole”. Contextual point, i’ve never heard anyone talk about nor seen anyone live with it.

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You don’t have to do it

Social media post about Led Zeppelin’s fourth album cover
Photo: Social media post about Led Zeppelin’s fourth album cover.

Art is doing something you don’t need to do. You can’t help yourself, so do it anyway.


Through six decades, i have found over-focusing makes everything better than under-focusing.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

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