Black and white. You either love Apple, or you don’t. Thank you Steve, you nutty human being who thought deeper, reached higher, worked harder, and cared more than the others. If you could see the iPhone 13 Pro Max, you’d smile and immediately think about what’s next.
Never stop learning.
Pastor Russ and i had a wonderful meeting yesterday.
From the beginning casual conversations a year ago with Russ, and separately with his boss, Pastor Chuck, have focused on being a business resource.
We are most successful when our neighbors are successful.
Spontaneously remembered a story to help frame up with Russ exactly what outlier he’s dealing with…
When our Son goes looking for the face of Jesus in the real world, he shouldn’t have to look any farther than across the dinner table.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
Two audio speakers on the far left. Photo: Lakeside Church entrance taken from parking lot.
Zooming in you see the speaker size. Serious sound and bass producing capacity.
Here’s an important context: Orange County Code allows 60dB acceptable noise level. Anything above that constitutes disturbing the peace. The DJ’s PA system and his music speakers (two separate noise sources) easily over 100dB.
The second important contextual point: Have been speaking to the Church staff and Leadership for over a year. This is a critical note – based on the sound level and duration, there appeared to be a complete disregard for Orange County Code enforcement standards.
One simple question.
Because yesterday was an absolute heinous noise violation.
Completely avoidable.
Totally forgiven.
Begging this question to Church leadership: What noise guidelines have you established with your campus activities team?
Noise guidelines may be the key to a mutually beneficial environment.
We will eventually arrive at a solution.
We are good, decent, respectful, loving people.
And, as all Americans should be, law-abiding citizens.
Easy peasy.
• • • • •
This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
Chapter 5 will be fun to watch tonight. Probably peacefully. Yet imagine living next to a Church that regularly hosts outdoor concerts. And the stage and speakers are pointed at your living room.
Huge opportunity regarding Lakeside Church operations.
It’s raining.
And cold.
Without the rain the plan is to meet Chuck at Church, drive to my home, and walk a mile back to Chuck’s car.
Two umbrellas will allow this to happen even in the rain.
Want to bless Chuck with an opportunity to experience how far away i am and still hear the Church business inside our home.
Over the years, the noise volume has grown louder, happens more frequently, and event durations last longer. As the Church grows, so too will these business outputs.
Any residential neighbor producing similar noise levels would immediately be asked to turn the noise down dramatically. Which begs the question then…
Is it true that no one is above the law?
Asked Chuck for a hug. We reassured each other that neither is angry. Reminded Chuck i’m here to help be part of the solution, offering my business insights and advisory experience.
Chuck made it crystal clear his mission is greater than any residential subdivision’s mission. And that he will do what he is legally able to do to get there.
He believes he is lawfully complying within his permitted codes.
The obvious challenge is without a shared public document in both our hands, neither of us knows the letter of the Church’s code requirements.
i wish us both nothing but the best intentions, the best outcomes, and a future so bright, we gotta wear shades.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
There may be others who take notes in Church, but i do not see them.The strategy, as i heard it is to build the school. With kids on campus, greater likelihood to convert adults to members. Comes down to growth because it comes down to money.Build me a vision of a world that’s safe, friendly, and respectful.Love this: Satan has no defense for a Church on a mission.Lakeside Baptist Church October 2021.
If your enrollment is down, look in the mirror.
When i first started at Disney Institute, the Director shared invaluable advice, “Jeff, if you look out at your audience and they looked bored, you’re boring them.”
Leaders who are struggling, read between the lines.
• • • • •
This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
Ever wonder if we are more like vultures than not? It occurred to me that we are actually just like them.
Over the weekend, our Church’s Cub Scout Pack spent the night at Brevard Zoo. There were many safety rules, because of the children, the darkness, the animals, etc.
In the morning, before breakfast, we were still confined to a certain area to remain safe. Across from our cabin, I spotted the vulture cage. There was a wild vulture standing on the cage pole, with other vultures just a few feet away on the inside.
Couldn’t help but have this moment of truth fly through my brain and capture it on this one-take You Tube video: