Life is not a career desk job

quote about habits
Habits are what define every human.

Habits are what we think and do without thinking.

Auto pilot.

Some habits are intentional and some are formed by accident.

And the weird thing about habits is, habits don’t care if you meant to or didn’t mean to. You’re gonna be doing that thing for the rest of your life.

Take work for example.

Been working my whole life. And now being semi-retired for the past decade, the thought of not working at all makes me feel guilty.

Definitely not a fan of feeling guilty.

The thought of waking up and having the whole day be about what i want to do and what i want to enjoy, it almost seems hedonistic.

Working on a resolution.

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Someday is a liar

Banking on ‘someday’ is like banking on any non-guaranteed investment. Longterm, odds are low you will get what you hope for.


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Put pressure on inside

prescription instructions
Dr. Kumar wants to restart Prednisol drops today.

Seems that blind ambition erased their intuition.

Jimmy Buffett (lyric)

Lyric from “Cowboy in the Jungle”.

The song continues: “Trying to cram lost years into five or six days.”

My insight: Don’t let your blind ambition erase your intuition.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Post Op Day 28, work

Seahorse carved into tree
Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Tree of Life closeup. Photo taken from Island Merchantile with iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Who’s voice is the most profoundly insightful for you? Eventually, it should be yours. Enjoy your journey.


Dr. Kumar said floaters are normal for this stage in recovery.

He wants to see me in one month.

He said it will be the end of the year (3+ months after 2nd surgery) until we can feel confident in surgery success.

i asked what to expect after the gas bubble is gone.

Will eye sight be clear as the bubble lowers? Because i can see now but not with the short-lived clarity after the first surgery.

He said it will take a few weeks post bubble.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Post Op Day 22, work

23-second video: i love this place. And i especially love it without physical restrictions. Still living with intense physical restrictions but can see light at the end of the tunnel.
Photo from someone’s rooftop
Daily, some people throw food waste in the trash. Some compost it, daily. Some throw it, also daily, in their grass for the wild animals to eat. A crow was on the roof when i climbed the ladder to the second floor roof. i find all sorts of leftovers in all sorts of spots in our yard and on our roof. Surrender is a superpower.
Father and son, with big smiles
While on the roof recording today’s videos, Cheryl texted me this photo and said it’s one of her favorites. Mine too. Disney’s Fantasyland kiddie playground.

The day is what you make it. Start by knowing what you want. Then scale it.


Autopilot can be transformational and glorious.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.