Who’s listening? Who cares? Do you get the results you hoped for? (photo: yesterday from an Apple email advertisement)
Mid Life Celebration’s short and pithy posts are at risk every time a list is created, like this one with 7 obvious critical goals corporate wellness initiatives strive to achieve:
Cost reduction
Error reduction
Turnover reduction
Productivity improvements
Increasing engagement
Increase satisfaction
Brand enhancement
Common sense intuition tells us a healthy worker is more valuable to an organization.
Yet rarely, in today’s economy, do we make common sense common practice.
Are you happy with your current state of personal wellness?
How long has it been since you were happy with your personal wellness?
The healthier i am, the more effective and efficient is the work i produce.
• • • • •
This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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There’s a reason why i do not have an email subscription signup. Most people are buried by their email’s in-box. i do not write to build an email subscription list. Most gurus insist an email list is your bread and butter.
Only a few hours away from hitting 72-hours without a response from an important business professional.
Rather than be frustrated for the delay, i use my energy to pray that they are okay and that some difficult, and perhaps overwhelming, business challenge isn’t consuming their soul.
Does that sound like a goody two-shoes?
This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.