Is Your Culture, By Default?

Whether you answer this personally or professionally, the answer should be the same.   And if you’re like I was before I became a professional speaker ten years ago, you aren’t sure what I’m talking about.  Right?

Generally speaking, things happen two ways, by design or by default.

In two hours, I’ll be running my first 5k run in several years.   I started running a decade ago.  After a few years, I needed a “carrot” to keep me motivated.  I ran my first 5k, ever.

In two hours, I’m running the very same 5k.  This is by design.  It’s an historic tradition that has incredible meaning in my life.  I could have picked any 5k to kick off my “comeback”, but I didn’t, by design.

Will you, or your organization, do things with purpose today, or will you drift aimlessly?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Dream Big!

This blog has been an inspiring way to look at my personal mission to be a catalyst for positive change.

Writing here, has stretched my thinking, and has absolutely made me a better presenter and professional speaker.  Period.  End of story.

I am even going to go so far as to say it is, a dramatic leap from my old thinking, and my old performing.  Seriously!

The big vision?  To become world-class!  As a professional speaker.

Remember, I’m the crazy guy who says, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough“!

Make today an opportunity to get one day closer to your dramatic leap in thinking and performing, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Would Walt Disney have a blog?

Would Walt Disney have a blog?

Probably, in my opinion.

Walt always taught his associates to push the envelope and be in front of the competition.  Find new ways to inform and entertain our audience.

Do you have a blog?

If you do, great.   If you don’t, let me please ask you a few questions, Do you own a cell phone? Do you have an email address?  Do you have a mail box or some other way to send or receive traditional postal mail? Do you have a computer?

All of the above, right?

Pretty soon, everyone will have a computer. Everyone. Not just every household, but ever lap will have a laptop – maybe as small as a cell phone. Notepads, those small 8-9 inch screen “laptops” are selling for $250.

The future is the Internet. Whether you embrace it or not, whether you find a million ways to have it help your business or not, it’s the future. I always believe the time to act is when you don’t have too. Get in on the social media phenomenon, or get left behind.

Seriously. I study this stuff and have an eight year old. I want him to come to me for answers, not say, “Don’t ask my Dad, he’s clueless”.

Make it an exciting and meaningful day.  There are probably a lot of people hoping for you do be that kind of person today.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

It happens every time, doesn’t it?

It happens every time, doesn’t it?

In my hotel room, with few distractions, it’s easier to focus on what I’m going to say this morning.  And you know what?  It’s gonna happen.

It happens every time.


Predictably, there will be two camps.  There always are.

Two camps:

That’s too simple“.

I already know that“.

Let me remind you, please, after 35 years in business and 10 years as a professional speaker, I’ve become an expert.  I’ve spent 25 years here in Central Florida, almost daily being influenced by the presence of neighboring Walt Disney World – I can see the nightly fireworks and hear the steam trains from our home.

Here are two simple truths in quote form:

It’s not hard to do things as much as it is to simply decide to do something.  It’s the deciding that’s hard.  —  jeff noel

The concept is easy.  Any idiot can have a good idea.  What is hard is doing it.” — Christo

Like I always say about Walt Disney, “It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic“.

So, what’s my main job when I speak?  To get everyone to make “Common Sense, Common Practice”!

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  People are depending on you to be great today.  Be GREAT!  It’s common sense, eh?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂


What is wisdom and why is it so valuable?

Are you wise?  Am I wise?  How do any of us really know?

While I may or may not be wise, I do work very hard to take what I teach and use it personally.  Why?  Two reasons.  To show how common sense ideas can be applied anywhere and because it actually makes my life better.  Period.

Simple example, but I encourage you not to be tempted to dismiss it’s significance.  I never capitalize my name.  That’s a whole other story waiting to be told.

Back to the questions and the point.

What is wisdom?  How about this thought:

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.”  —  anonymous


Seriously, wow!

A few weeks ago (here’s the link if you want instant access: ), I wrote a post that contained the essence of this quote.

Do you know how long I lived my life strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia?

Wwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long.

Now, not so much.  Not perfect by any means.  Never will be.


But, I am more razor-focused on World-Class delivery and content than ever.  Razor-focused.

I often wonder what took me so long to figure out the difference in results, when I’m razor-focused, compared to when I was loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.

Make it a GREAT, razor-focused day, because if you don’t, who will.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

PS.  Tomorrow, the story of no caps. Maybe.