It happens every time, doesn’t it?

It happens every time, doesn’t it?

In my hotel room, with few distractions, it’s easier to focus on what I’m going to say this morning.  And you know what?  It’s gonna happen.

It happens every time.


Predictably, there will be two camps.  There always are.

Two camps:

That’s too simple“.

I already know that“.

Let me remind you, please, after 35 years in business and 10 years as a professional speaker, I’ve become an expert.  I’ve spent 25 years here in Central Florida, almost daily being influenced by the presence of neighboring Walt Disney World – I can see the nightly fireworks and hear the steam trains from our home.

Here are two simple truths in quote form:

It’s not hard to do things as much as it is to simply decide to do something.  It’s the deciding that’s hard.  —  jeff noel

The concept is easy.  Any idiot can have a good idea.  What is hard is doing it.” — Christo

Like I always say about Walt Disney, “It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic“.

So, what’s my main job when I speak?  To get everyone to make “Common Sense, Common Practice”!

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  People are depending on you to be great today.  Be GREAT!  It’s common sense, eh?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Are you by design or by default?

Is your corporate cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Do you even know what I’m taking about?

Is your personal cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Or, does your culture “just sort of happen”?

I’d bet a majority of you still don’t know what I’m talking about.  That’s ok.  No worries.  Hakuna matata.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Make your day purposeful, by design.  If you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Because Walt said so, that’s why!

Ever heard that phrase, the one that an angry, frustrated adult might say to a young child, “Because I said so?”

Most of us have heard it.  Most of us have also said it.  “Because I said so!”

I know when I hear an adult saying this to a child, there is absolutely no mistaking who’s in charge, is there?

It’s crystal clear, isn’t it?

Why?  Not really sure.  It just is.  Period.  End of story.

Same with the Walt Disney Company.

Why do they focus on, and some might even say obsess over, the small details that most people will never notice?

Because Walt said so!

That’s good enough for me.  I’ve heard enough stories about what their founder valued that it’s crystal clear to me what I should do everyday.

How is it with you and your people, in your organization?

Most people haven’t got time, or motivation, to think about simple questions like this.

And people wonder why it’s so challenging to get people motivated to do a great (not good) job.

I’m certain, today, that being a great organization starts with me.

What are you certain about?

Please consider making it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Do you love what you do?

Do you love what you do?

Ever heard, “Do what you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life?”

I hope you love what you do.  Where I work, we strive to hire people for positions they will most likely enjoy and are naturally suited for.

It’s called “right-fit talent”.

My wife spent ten years in a very large employment office in Central Florida. I conducted hundreds of interviews myself. So, I know the process intimately.

Want a simple answer? One that’s so easy, even a caveman can understand?

Hire people in positions where they “get to do” more than they “have to do”. It’s unsophisticated and maybe even too simple for senior HR professionals who have their own corporate HR jargon.

Do you “get to do” more than you “have to do“? How about the people who work for you and/or report to you?

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will? If you’re a leader, the people around you are looking for “cool, calm, collected – optimistic, hopeful, inspiring“. Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂