Stories Make It Stick

Three things Lee Cockerell told me when I asked his advice on public speaking, in 1999:

  1. Be passionate
  2. Tell stories
  3. Use personal examples

Here’s a fourth tip.  Benchmark.  Click here to do that right now.

Make your day GREAT.  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Be inspired. Or not.

Motivation Is Like A Meal

Motivation is like a meal.  Seriously.  But we all forget.

Should an Annual Conference’s motivational effects last all year?

Should monthly meetings keep teams inspired all month?

Weekly meetings?  Will the excitement last all week?

Daily meetings?  All day?

After breakfast, most humans are ready to be nourished again at lunch. Even after two decent meals, most are ready for a third meal in the evening.

We even throw in snacks to help sustain us. Why?

Because motivation, inspiration and excitement begin to subside within hours, just like meals.

Do you have any idea what this means to you and me as effective leaders?

Without Passion

“Without passion, a person gambles with their future”. — jeff noel

This morning as I checked Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it hit me. There’s a person who Tweets about cooking.  “Miss D”, I’ll call her, has a passion that is so clearly visible that I had to tell her it inspires me.

It doesn’t inspire me to cook.

Then what?

It inspires me to be inspired – with big dreams.

Yesterday, I purchased a Macbook for our son’s ninth birthday this week. He doesn’t know he’s getting it.  In fact he won’t be expecting it because he knows how expensive they are.

But I’ve been planting seeds.  “You should think of ways you can make money”.

So tell me, when is it too early to challenge a child to be thinking about earning money?  How crazy is it to encourage children to look at ways other than cutting grass, raking leaves, or doing chores?

Disney’s best leaders are the ones who have passion so clear and so deep, that their team believes anything is possible.

At home, it’s the same way for me.  “I believe if your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. — jeff noel   Carpe diem!  🙂

What, No Pixie Dust?

A comment on yesterday’s jungle jeff post started me thinking.

His question to me was, “No Pixie Dust”?

It was “missing” from my personal Leadership Top Ten List.

He made a good point and I thought for a moment, “How could I have forgotten Pixie Dust”?

Then, just as quickly, if not faster, the answer hit me.

Pixie Dust IS Passion.  Period.

What’s Magic about the way Disney does things is their PASSION to:

  1. Create the highest quality products and services.
  2. To stay focused on why they are in business – to serve their Guests
  3. To stay disciplined to “keep their eye on the ball” – Quality

Passion IS Pixie Dust.

Always was.  Always will be.   Thank you Walt Disney for your vision.

By the way, Vision and Passion are my respective number one & two top leadership values.

Guess what’s number three?   Communication!

Looks like a coincidence, doesn’t it?  The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

PS.  Does your own Vision send shivers down your spine?

PSS.  What if it did?  Can you comprehend that?  I hope so.  🙂

jungle jeff’s Top Ten List

jungle jeff’s top ten list:

Today, my personal Leadership recipe:

  1. Vision – number one, it must be compelling, and impossible
  2. Passion – passion is unlike yeast, we need a ton of passion
  3. Communicationmore is better; daily
  4. Confidence – people love someone who believes “all the way”
  5. Structure – how great work gets done effectively, and quickly
  6. Teamworktogether, everyone achieves more
  7. Innovation –  fancy word for creativity; implementing creative ideas
  8. Measurement – you can’t improve what you don’t measure
  9. Results – this is why we are in business
  10. Fun – do what you love

Mix with courage, or, an indomitable will, and you have the opportunity to achieve what others say can’t be done.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂