jungle jeff Social Media Expert?

jungle jeff Social Media Expert?  Maybe. Says who?

You know how you get to be an expert? I certainly didn’t.  Because I , and so few others, stick with anything long enough and passionately enough to master it, let alone become the teacher.

That’s when you start becoming the expert.  When people come to you to learn.

What does it take to be a social media expert?  Here are a few of my guesses:

  • Have at least 1,000 blogs posts to be taken seriously
  • Be on Google results front page for all your websites
  • Host multiple blogs
  • Post daily (say five per day)
  • Generate millions of hits annually
  • Use the big social media tools
  • Be on the curve for the newly emerging tools
  • Make money and change lives
  • Have fun
  • Have guts
  • Have decently thick skin
  • Be prepared to work hard and stretch yourself

I don’t make anything up.  That’s part of my personal brand commitment.

Audacious ain’t it?  Maybe even antagonistic?  Perfect.

That’s part of my brand promise too.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Orlando’s jeff noel Loves Disney

Orlando’s jeff noel loves Disney.

What’s not to love about Disney?

And I especially love to promote Disney Institute.

Here’s a You Tube video I found.  It’s actually on their Disney Institute website; however, did a You Tube search for Disney Institute last night and found it there also.

For your information and clarification, here’s a great, and quick, look at what Disney Institute actually is and does.  NOTE:  The clip starts 13 seconds after you click play, and it’s worth the wait.  🙂

Make it a great day and “Happy Friday” to all of you. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Why ask these questions?

I often ask myself, “Are you doing all you can do to embody the ideals of Walt and Roy Disney“?

Another popular question, “Are their values still relevant“?

Still another, “How can I demonstrate those values in the best way possible“?

Why these questions?

Because Walt Disney and Roy Disney were razor-focused on delivering the very best product, pushing boundaries, and growing their business.

That still seems relevant to me.  Does it to you?

Make it a great day.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Dream Big!

This blog has been an inspiring way to look at my personal mission to be a catalyst for positive change.

Writing here, has stretched my thinking, and has absolutely made me a better presenter and professional speaker.  Period.  End of story.

I am even going to go so far as to say it is, a dramatic leap from my old thinking, and my old performing.  Seriously!

The big vision?  To become world-class!  As a professional speaker.

Remember, I’m the crazy guy who says, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough“!

Make today an opportunity to get one day closer to your dramatic leap in thinking and performing, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Are you by design or by default?

Is your corporate cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Do you even know what I’m taking about?

Is your personal cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Or, does your culture “just sort of happen”?

I’d bet a majority of you still don’t know what I’m talking about.  That’s ok.  No worries.  Hakuna matata.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Make your day purposeful, by design.  If you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂