It happens every time, doesn’t it?

It happens every time, doesn’t it?

In my hotel room, with few distractions, it’s easier to focus on what I’m going to say this morning.  And you know what?  It’s gonna happen.

It happens every time.


Predictably, there will be two camps.  There always are.

Two camps:

That’s too simple“.

I already know that“.

Let me remind you, please, after 35 years in business and 10 years as a professional speaker, I’ve become an expert.  I’ve spent 25 years here in Central Florida, almost daily being influenced by the presence of neighboring Walt Disney World – I can see the nightly fireworks and hear the steam trains from our home.

Here are two simple truths in quote form:

It’s not hard to do things as much as it is to simply decide to do something.  It’s the deciding that’s hard.  —  jeff noel

The concept is easy.  Any idiot can have a good idea.  What is hard is doing it.” — Christo

Like I always say about Walt Disney, “It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic“.

So, what’s my main job when I speak?  To get everyone to make “Common Sense, Common Practice”!

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  People are depending on you to be great today.  Be GREAT!  It’s common sense, eh?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Are you by design or by default?

Is your corporate cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Do you even know what I’m taking about?

Is your personal cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Or, does your culture “just sort of happen”?

I’d bet a majority of you still don’t know what I’m talking about.  That’s ok.  No worries.  Hakuna matata.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Make your day purposeful, by design.  If you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂


Camping in the middle of the week?

Yep.  About 80 of us.

First through fifth graders and about 18 adults, more or less.  At Wekiwa Springs State Park.  It was an awesome opportunity to be a chaperon and be visible in my son’s life.

So, we left school at 9AM yesterday, and returned late this afternoon.

Then, after a few other commitments, we finally got home in time to watch most of American Idol.

Have you ever spent 36 hours where you experienced so much good, that when you took a moment to catch your breath, you realized more cool things happened in those 36 hours than you thought was possible.

And the really cool thing?

It was largely spontaneous.

And guess what?

The spontaneity?  By Design.

A dream is a wish your heart makes.  Good night, and, sweet dreams.  Carpe PM, jungle jeff 🙂


What is wisdom and why is it so valuable?

Are you wise?  Am I wise?  How do any of us really know?

While I may or may not be wise, I do work very hard to take what I teach and use it personally.  Why?  Two reasons.  To show how common sense ideas can be applied anywhere and because it actually makes my life better.  Period.

Simple example, but I encourage you not to be tempted to dismiss it’s significance.  I never capitalize my name.  That’s a whole other story waiting to be told.

Back to the questions and the point.

What is wisdom?  How about this thought:

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.”  —  anonymous


Seriously, wow!

A few weeks ago (here’s the link if you want instant access: ), I wrote a post that contained the essence of this quote.

Do you know how long I lived my life strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia?

Wwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long.

Now, not so much.  Not perfect by any means.  Never will be.


But, I am more razor-focused on World-Class delivery and content than ever.  Razor-focused.

I often wonder what took me so long to figure out the difference in results, when I’m razor-focused, compared to when I was loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.

Make it a GREAT, razor-focused day, because if you don’t, who will.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

PS.  Tomorrow, the story of no caps. Maybe.