Grateful for hot and cold running water and flushing toilet.
Grateful for a small desk.
The Ritz Carlton compared to tent camping.
How does one work from anywhere?
It depends. You don’t leave home without your ID, right?
You don’t leave on a transformational journey without your growth mindset either.
Mindset 2008-2009: The Great Recession…with 2 dozen years of Disney Service, felt weirdly vulnerable during that Disney layoff and made a promise to create a Plan B should it ever happen again.
Lifelong plan to work at WDW until 2024. The Great Recession was a humongous wake up call.
Crafted a 10-year plan: 5 more years at WDW & retire in 2014 at 55, and 2nd 5 years to put a positive dent in our Universe.
Side note: The wake up call surfaced the reality that no male on Dad’s side lived past 60.
2nd side note: Under this post’s surface is a beautiful reality: each of us is CEO of You, Inc. Each of us is responsible for everything in our life. Each of us lives with a ticking clock. Each of us has the same 24 hrs/day. Each of us gets to choose our mindset.
Mindset now (Oct 5, 2020)…
For 7 weeks a small motel room provided daily gratitude for simple blessings in a one-million acre wilderness straddling the Continental Divide – shelter, electricity, running water (including hot), small shower, flushing toilet, heat (no AC), bed, windows, wifi, wonderful staff, and a 400 meter drive to Glacier National Park.
Oh, and a small desk to “work like you mean it”!
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
All it takes to have a remarkable career is to work remarkably. Become so original that people notice and positively remark about your art. Become the category rather than leading an existing category. Common sense, rarely common.
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