Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny

Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny.  Funny is as funny does, or something like that.

And now for something completely different.  A friend sent this to me, knowing how many times I delivered the Walt Disney Jungle Cruise Attraction spiel, back in 1982.

Here’s the You Tube video – If you’re ready to be amused, click here.

First there was Sunday’s unusually casual post, and now this?  What’s happening?

Walt Disney said, “Laughter is no enemy to learning.  We should use every gag and every prop at our disposal”.

Words to live by……words to live by……

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Branding Publicity Stunts?

Air Tran publicity “stunt”

Cirque du Soleil publicity “stunt”

Getting the word out about your business has never been more important. Never more difficult.


Because the Internet has opened the flood gates on the consumer attention span.

Good luck with your endeavors.  Hope today’s jungle jeff post inspires you to think differently and more creatively.  It sure has for me.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Disney & Hurricane Season

Hurricane season and Disney.  What does this mean?

Hurricane season starts today, June 1.

It also means hurricanes are most likely two months away.

We have already been thinking ahead.  That is what great organizations and great leaders do.  They think ahead.

Because this is such a simple concept to grasp, many overlook it when faced with more urgent tasks, like getting through the business day in these turbulent times.

But the reality of hurricanes never goes away, no matter how busy or how distracted we become.

Same with other important and simple concepts, like our health, as a relevant example.

Diet and exercise right?

Those two simple concepts will keep your cholesterol and blood pressure in better shape than if you don’t focus on them.  Right?

Then why do so many of us struggle to stay healthy?

The health of an organization is two simple things as well:  Culture and Leadership.

What are you doing to stay healthy?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Delta Airlines Agent Delivers the Wow Factor

On a recent trip, a Delta Airlines Attendant engaged me in an otherwise routine and unengaging part of flying – taking off.

Below are two You Tube video links for short, but interesting views of how something so ordinary can become extraordinary.

First clip.

Second clip.

Make it a GREAT Monday, because if you don’t, who will.  If not this Monday, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Are you by design or by default?

Is your corporate cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Do you even know what I’m taking about?

Is your personal cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Or, does your culture “just sort of happen”?

I’d bet a majority of you still don’t know what I’m talking about.  That’s ok.  No worries.  Hakuna matata.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Make your day purposeful, by design.  If you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂