Is Your Culture, By Default?

Whether you answer this personally or professionally, the answer should be the same.   And if you’re like I was before I became a professional speaker ten years ago, you aren’t sure what I’m talking about.  Right?

Generally speaking, things happen two ways, by design or by default.

In two hours, I’ll be running my first 5k run in several years.   I started running a decade ago.  After a few years, I needed a “carrot” to keep me motivated.  I ran my first 5k, ever.

In two hours, I’m running the very same 5k.  This is by design.  It’s an historic tradition that has incredible meaning in my life.  I could have picked any 5k to kick off my “comeback”, but I didn’t, by design.

Will you, or your organization, do things with purpose today, or will you drift aimlessly?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂


What is wisdom and why is it so valuable?

Are you wise?  Am I wise?  How do any of us really know?

While I may or may not be wise, I do work very hard to take what I teach and use it personally.  Why?  Two reasons.  To show how common sense ideas can be applied anywhere and because it actually makes my life better.  Period.

Simple example, but I encourage you not to be tempted to dismiss it’s significance.  I never capitalize my name.  That’s a whole other story waiting to be told.

Back to the questions and the point.

What is wisdom?  How about this thought:

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.”  —  anonymous


Seriously, wow!

A few weeks ago (here’s the link if you want instant access: ), I wrote a post that contained the essence of this quote.

Do you know how long I lived my life strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia?

Wwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long.

Now, not so much.  Not perfect by any means.  Never will be.


But, I am more razor-focused on World-Class delivery and content than ever.  Razor-focused.

I often wonder what took me so long to figure out the difference in results, when I’m razor-focused, compared to when I was loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.

Make it a GREAT, razor-focused day, because if you don’t, who will.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

PS.  Tomorrow, the story of no caps. Maybe.

Walt Disney was “crazy”

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely source.

Do you ever find this to be true?

It’s like a gift, right under our nose, waiting to be unwrapped.

Except for one thing.

We rarely take notice.

Walt Disney spent a lifetime teaching his associates to pay attention to the smallest of details.  Details so “insignificant” that some would say, Walt, that’s too much perfection.  The audience won’t see that kind of perfection. Many people thought Walt Disney was crazy because of his obsession with small details.

Walt would shoot back, They may not see perfection, but they can feel it“.

Little details.  Little gifts, so to speak.

Insignificant details that become redundant, and most would avoid the effort, because it would cost too much or take too long.

And the payoff?  Nothing. The Guests will never notice.

That was the genius of Disney’s founder, Walt Disney.

It’s every Leader’s duty to keep that genius alive at The Walt Disney Company.

This past Sunday, my wife, son, and I enjoyed a few late afternoon hours at Disney’s Blizzard Beach Water park.  It was 85 degrees and sunny.  Palm trees and tropical flowers everywhere.

We had a wonderful afternoon.

Later that night, as I was cleaning off the countertop, putting away my wallet, keys, and receipts, I noticed something.

A small detail.

On our admission pass was Minnie Mouse, smiling like she always does.  That wasn’t actually the small detail.

What really caught my attention were the two words on either side of Minnie.


So, that’s exactly what I did today.

And you know what else?

Can’t wait to do it all over again tomorrow.

Disney Parks ARE the Happiest places on Earth.  How cool is that?

Am I boring?

Am I boring?

Scary thought.  Sometimes I’m convinced I am. Know how I can tell?

Soon after I became a professional speaker a decade ago, a wise person told me, “Jeff, if you look out at your audience, and they looked bored, you’re boring them”. I’ve never forgotten that wisdom.

At risk every single day – failing them and boring them.  The two mortal sins public speakers commit most often.

Want the good news?

I don’t do it nearly as frequently as I used to.  Plus, I’ve also learned to recognize and react more effectively.

So, may I please ask you a question?  Are you boring?

Want to test yourself?

Read your LinkedIn profile and ask yourself, “Is this something that captures attention and motivates the reader to read.  Or, is it like so many others that people don’t even bother”?

At the core of this is your intent for using LinkedIn, in my opinion.

It’s tough out there.  If you don’t figure it out, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff

What’s the 1st thing you do?

What’s the first thing you do when you hear your alarm clock go off?

As I write this, it’s almost 5am.  I’ve been up for an hour, reading, writing, thinking.

Actually, I didn’t think the alarm clock was ever going to go off.  Just lying in bed, wondering, “When is that thing ever going to go off.  Come on. Let’s go.  Bring it (the day) on!”

Those who know me know I’m completely serious.  Those who don’t – “crazy man”!

Part of the challenge is the thing we’re waiting on is called an “ALARM” clock.  Yikes.

What if we called it an “OPPORTUNITY” clock.  Wow!

Everyday is an opportunity to do something great.  Everyday is a gift.  To be able to get out of bed.  To be alive.  To have the privilege to serve and help others.

Have you noticed the tone, the language, of today’s post?

There a few key words and phrases that set the tone.  Agree?

The same is true in business.  That’s one of the most powerful secrets in business.  Use words to nuture and grow a great culture.

I’ll explain more in another jungle jeff post.  Right now, it’s off to the Orange County Convention Center for a GREAT day.

Make your day GREAT!  Because if you don’t, who will?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂