Did I do it?

Indeed! Did you?

Yesterday, I promised to do what I do every day. I also gently asked you to “plant a seed“. Remember? A small seed to take daily, calculated risks to move your great, and maybe impossible, goal forward.

Technology is the way. Period. End of story!

To me, it isn’t one of the issues facing businesses today, it is THE issue!

Last night, reflecting back on the day, it hit me!

LinkedIn is: A 24-hour virtual meeting. A virtual business card. A remarkable tool with unlimited power to market your business.

You can pop in and out of the virtual 24-meeting at any time to see who’s there and what they’re talking about.  There are a ton of smart people using it.  In fact, there are currently 38,000,000.  That number is projected to mushroom to 300-400 million soon.

Studying the Disney organization since I was a kid, it has taught me to instinctively understand that the next great idea can come from anyone in our organization.  Or even anyone, anywhere in the world.

All we have to do is pay attention, which is hard at today’s busy pace.

Make this a great day to pay attention.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Scary thought?

If you would have asked me a dozen years ago if I’d ever thought I’d be a public, motivational speaker, I’d have told you, “Not in a million years“.  It was never on my radar, nor was it ever a childhood dream.

You know the scary part?  And by the way, when the scary thought starts creeping into my consciousness, I have to immediately distract myself.  Otherwise, I might get sick.

The scary part is that everyone expects public speakers to be smart and funny.

Smart and funny.

Are you kidding me?

Do what you fear and the death of that fear is certain.  Public speaking also boosts self-confidence.  Self-confidence boosts your leadership thinking.  And that, as they say, could very well be money in the bank.

So today, I’m going to do something I fear, like taking calculated risks to move a great idea forward.  It’s risky because the goal seems impossible to many people.  But that won’t stop me.  Will it stop you?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Is Your Culture, By Default?

Whether you answer this personally or professionally, the answer should be the same.   And if you’re like I was before I became a professional speaker ten years ago, you aren’t sure what I’m talking about.  Right?

Generally speaking, things happen two ways, by design or by default.

In two hours, I’ll be running my first 5k run in several years.   I started running a decade ago.  After a few years, I needed a “carrot” to keep me motivated.  I ran my first 5k, ever.

In two hours, I’m running the very same 5k.  This is by design.  It’s an historic tradition that has incredible meaning in my life.  I could have picked any 5k to kick off my “comeback”, but I didn’t, by design.

Will you, or your organization, do things with purpose today, or will you drift aimlessly?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Would Walt Disney have a blog?

Would Walt Disney have a blog?

Probably, in my opinion.

Walt always taught his associates to push the envelope and be in front of the competition.  Find new ways to inform and entertain our audience.

Do you have a blog?

If you do, great.   If you don’t, let me please ask you a few questions, Do you own a cell phone? Do you have an email address?  Do you have a mail box or some other way to send or receive traditional postal mail? Do you have a computer?

All of the above, right?

Pretty soon, everyone will have a computer. Everyone. Not just every household, but ever lap will have a laptop – maybe as small as a cell phone. Notepads, those small 8-9 inch screen “laptops” are selling for $250.

The future is the Internet. Whether you embrace it or not, whether you find a million ways to have it help your business or not, it’s the future. I always believe the time to act is when you don’t have too. Get in on the social media phenomenon, or get left behind.

Seriously. I study this stuff and have an eight year old. I want him to come to me for answers, not say, “Don’t ask my Dad, he’s clueless”.

Make it an exciting and meaningful day.  There are probably a lot of people hoping for you do be that kind of person today.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Disney Meetings and Tiger Woods?

Disney meetings and Tiger Woods?  Is there some commonality?  Maybe.

Two days ago, Tiger made a dramatic comeback, here in Orlando, at the Bay Hill golf course.  I don’t recall the tournament’s name.  It was his sixth win at this particular tournament.

But, no one was certain he could win, yet.  Was he ready?  Was he strong enough?  Does he still have “it”?  Did the 9.5 months of being away from golf, leave him worse off, or better off?

Last June, I believe, he had a major setback, which required reconstructive surgury, etc.

Well, on Sunday he was, at least when I turned on the TV, at least five strokes behind the leader.

On the final round, he methodically made up the difference, and, on the final stroke, won the tournament.

Last May, just before he flew to California to win the US Open (and destroyed his knee and leg), I spoke to him at the local gym we both go to.

I asked him, “Tiger, if you had one piece of advice to give to anyone wanting to be world-class, what would it be“?

You know what he told me?

Out work ’em“!

I was surprised by his simple answer.  And you know what else?   He didn’t hesitate for a nano-second on his answer, “Out work ’em“!

Caught off guard, I responded instinctively, “You mean like morning, noon and night“?

He said, “Yes“!

So please, let me ask you, “What are you doing, this morning, this afternoon, and tonight, to be world-class“?

What a great time to regroup.  Everyone is doing that, you know.  Trying to figure out a plan for this quarter and the next, etc.   The people and organizations that come through this year ahead of the others?

The ones who are willing to “out work their competition“!

Need a place to start?  That leads me to here……..

Have been meaning to share this with you.  If you are doing something important this year, or are planning something important, Disney has some special offers, if you were to make those plans before June 30.  The link below summarizes it all.


As always, there is no pressure for you to do anything.

Pressure from your competition?  Of course.  Always will be.  Especially now.  It’s just a fact of life, isn’t it?  I wish it wasn’t so.  Life would be easier.  Wait, I’ve drifted off to Fantasy Land.  Sorry.  🙂

Make today a GREAT day.  Do something GREAT, because if you don’t, who will?   Do you think your competition is taking the day off?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂