What’s significant about 17.84?
That’s what Disney stock closed at today. As in $17.84 a share. That’s a 52-week New York Stock Exchange low. (The official low today was $17.72, but the close was $17.84)
Because of the strength of the Disney Company brand (Magic), Disney tends to be one of the last to feel recessions and one of the first to recover.
Today’s closing Disney stock price reinforces the mantra: “It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.”
Disney’s Magic is revealed in what they conceal. The work. The work is what they never let you see.
What are you willing to let your customers see? What do you painstakingly make invisible? Bet no one’s ever asked you that before!
What would you, or your organization, look like if everyone started to think this way?
If you have any professional sense, to me, you would let that statement resonate. I hope you like your answers. If you don’t. You have options.
Some of them are right under your nose.
Carpe diem, jungle jeff