Note: Having fun. This is an experiment. It may not work. It may blow my mind. Only one way to know. Rock on.
This is for anyone not working in a Speakers Bureau. They already get 20%. But they do all the work. You just introduce me to someone who wants to talk to me. i’ll do all the work from there. Then we stay in contact until a contract is signed/paid. Then i send your payment.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
This is such a great topic to prepare for and deliver.
There are three (not four) world-class basics that make up the Disney Brand Loyalty architecture.
i have been teaching our Son (now 18) these Disney blueprints for two-thirds of his life.
We are both more aware human beings because of this student-teacher-student relationship.
Everything i learned, did, and taught from 32 years as an insider and two-time Walt Disney Lifetime Achievement recipient has been synthesized into brilliantly simplistic DNA.
No one i know has deconstructed Disney’s operational DNA and reconstructed it in such a useful way.
It brings a wonderful sense of fun and a glowing opportunity to offer such a unique professional development opportunity to the world.
Disney Institute Brand Loyalty Keynote Speakers are rare.
Because The Disney Approach to Brand Loyalty (DABL) was the least requested Disney Institute (DI) Keynote Speech. DABL was also the least offered Open Enrollment program.
It was more effective and efficient to have a few people well-versed in the subject matter and logistics to represent DI. i am one of those lucky people.
Note: The Disney Approach to Brand Loyalty has been discontinued as a product since just before i retired from Disney in 2014.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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