.think .differently about Organizational Vibrancy…30-year Disney & Disney Institute Keynote Speaker helping you fix things so you can sleep better.
Want a common language, a simple vision, and scalability? Memorable engagement, brilliant insight, and easy to do?
Slay your biggest Customer Service and Leadership challenges with world-class, transferable, time-tested Customer Service architecture from a life at Disney.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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Floor seating was all that was available. It was perfect. One of my Summer offices.
Marketing has been on my mind since day one (early 2008), specifically the brand story.
Because brand is the first thing people think of when they see or hear your name.
If consumer thoughts are remarkable, you stand a greater chance of being a natural choice at a high price point.
Being the same as the others is no way to get picked. Neither is offering a low fee, because someone is always willing to bid lower to get picked.
A clear, concise, and compelling marketing message is your best sales tool.
Nothing happens until a sale is made.
When humans make choices–that’s marketing. Marketing is the difficult work of telling a story that resonates, of bringing a consistent set of promises to people who want to hear them.
Seth Godin
Marketing isn’t about shortcuts, hustle or deception. Marketing is the art (and the science) of serving the people you seek to serve, to do better work by finding and satisfying needs. Marketing is the practice of making things better by making better things.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.