Leadership By Disney

Leadership done the Disney way.  What does that mean?  For starters it means that Leadership is HUGE at Disney.  In fact, it’s huge in every world-class organization.  It’s even huge in serious, small businesses.

Good leaders get good results.  Great leaders get great results.  Ever do the math on the difference between good and great results?

Last night my family and I watched the classic Disney – Pixar DVD, “A Bug’s Life“.  In the opening few minutes, the young Queen Ant “in training”, makes an excuse, after something terrible had happened.  She said, “It wasn’t my fault”.

The Grasshopper laughed at her statement and told her, “The first lesson in leadership – everything is your fault”.

I found that scene, especially the comments, intriguing.

Wonder if anyone recalls that Bug’s Life scene?  If you where discussing leadership with smart people, would you tell the truth or sugar-coat things?   Carpe diem,  jeff noel  🙂

Creativity means what?

What are the big two, three or four key drivers for you and your leadership behavior?

I believe in innovation, technology and global reach.

I’m curious by nature, so let me please ask you, “Did you have an immediate answer”?

Great if you did.  If you didn’t, imagine the unbelievable potential you have to get, and stay, focused.

Curious still.  If you do have a list, how many others know of it? How often do you focus on it?

Bottom Line?  How important is focus?

Million-dollar question……how focused are you?

Today is an excellent day to make your list or revisit your list.  If not today, when?  If not you, who?  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Better Business Blogging? (bonus?)

Just posted a new Page today and thought some of you may be interested.  It’s called Better Business Blogging 101.

Many of you won’t find it useful, because you already have been blogging much longer than I have, and, you’ll find it to be too lengthy.   Others might be intrigued by the approach I’ve taken and profit from it.

However, if you’d like to offer any professional advice, it will be accepted in the spirit it was asked for, sincerely and with great intent.

Do what you fear and the death of that fear is certain.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Did I do it?

Indeed! Did you?

Yesterday, I promised to do what I do every day. I also gently asked you to “plant a seed“. Remember? A small seed to take daily, calculated risks to move your great, and maybe impossible, goal forward.

Technology is the way. Period. End of story!

To me, it isn’t one of the issues facing businesses today, it is THE issue!

Last night, reflecting back on the day, it hit me!

LinkedIn is: A 24-hour virtual meeting. A virtual business card. A remarkable tool with unlimited power to market your business.

You can pop in and out of the virtual 24-meeting at any time to see who’s there and what they’re talking about.  There are a ton of smart people using it.  In fact, there are currently 38,000,000.  That number is projected to mushroom to 300-400 million soon.

Studying the Disney organization since I was a kid, it has taught me to instinctively understand that the next great idea can come from anyone in our organization.  Or even anyone, anywhere in the world.

All we have to do is pay attention, which is hard at today’s busy pace.

Make this a great day to pay attention.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Dream Big!

This blog has been an inspiring way to look at my personal mission to be a catalyst for positive change.

Writing here, has stretched my thinking, and has absolutely made me a better presenter and professional speaker.  Period.  End of story.

I am even going to go so far as to say it is, a dramatic leap from my old thinking, and my old performing.  Seriously!

The big vision?  To become world-class!  As a professional speaker.

Remember, I’m the crazy guy who says, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough“!

Make today an opportunity to get one day closer to your dramatic leap in thinking and performing, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂