Old School, Got Dreams?

Got Dreams?
Got Dreams?

“You’ve been thinking like an adult since you were a kid”, she said in response to a story I had shared from my youth.

Told her about wanting to be a Physical Education teacher to help make people healthier, and help make the world a better place. I was in 8th Grade.

So here we are 37 years later, back on the mission to help make the world a healthier place.

Got dreams?

They Really Want to Be Excellent

Last one, for now. And I have to tell you, They must really want to be excellent.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this insightful journey into the relative simplicity for having a world-class corporate culture.  It works for personal branding too.

How does a one-take-You tube video, five-a-day blogger know? If I have to explain it to you, you won’t understand.

Be well and do GREAT work!

Are We Listening?

Huh?  Exactly.

Hey, here’s a one-take-You Tube video from me again (howdy), jeff noel, the five-a-day blogger.

Are you starting to see how this might work for you? I mean, I’m just a common guy, working really hard at this social media phenomenon.

A few months back, I saw a You Tube video featuring Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, answering questions as part of some panel.

What Bob Iger said, paraphrased  from memory, was this, “Disney isn’t embracing social media.  Disney is embracing the customer. The customer is embracing social media.”

Would your customers describe you or your business as hard working?  You know, staying current and relevant with their needs and desires?

We would hope our answer is a resounding yes. Why?  Because, our competition may be invisible at this point in history.

You see, there are others out there who can see something that our customers need and want, but our customers haven’t identified it yet. And neither have we.

Those other people who can see it?  They’re changing the world.

Leaders Focus On Culture

Of the things a leader can spend time doing, maintaining, growing and reinforcing corporate culture should be on the short list of critical success factors.

Can you imagine trying to be world-class with an average corporate culture?

Can you imagine a team of highly energized, focused, and driven professionals in an average corporate culture?

What would happen if a great organization took it’s corporate culture for granted?

What would happen to a good (not great) organization that elevated it’s corporate culture?

The other day, I went outside my Hotel for a breath of fresh air. During a ten minute break to take a walk, I shot a half dozen “one-take-You Tube videos”.

Most of them were about culture.  You can observe a lot by watching:

Maybe you are all set with your corporate culture. Maybe you have a great personal culture for you and your family. You do focus these business applications to your personal life, right?

What Will GREAT Look Like?

What will GREAT look like for you in 2010?

I can’t imagine being a professional and not being a LinkedIn member. But it’s not unreasonable at this point for many to still not be involved.

My wife is not on LinkedIn, however, I do believe it would benefit her to get started.

Anyway, through LinkedIn, which I read daily, I followed a link  – “What Will Great Look Like For You In 2010?” A quote from that link sparked today’s blog post.

So there are two messages today:

  1. Social media, like anything else, works best when used frequently
  2. All five of my blogs are free

A reader commented a few months ago, “You never ask for anything.”

It was, and still is, a question that leaves a funny feeling in my gut.

Why would anyone invest in five daily blogs, reveal secrets, success tips, insightful thinking, be vulnerable and transparent, and never ask for a nickel in return?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman