A comment on yesterday’s jungle jeff post started me thinking.
His question to me was, “No Pixie Dust”?
It was “missing” from my personal Leadership Top Ten List.
He made a good point and I thought for a moment, “How could I have forgotten Pixie Dust”?
Then, just as quickly, if not faster, the answer hit me.
Pixie Dust IS Passion. Period.
What’s Magic about the way Disney does things is their PASSION to:
- Create the highest quality products and services.
- To stay focused on why they are in business – to serve their Guests
- To stay disciplined to “keep their eye on the ball” – Quality
Passion IS Pixie Dust.
Always was. Always will be. Thank you Walt Disney for your vision.
By the way, Vision and Passion are my respective number one & two top leadership values.
Guess what’s number three? Communication!
Looks like a coincidence, doesn’t it? The harder you work, the luckier you get.
Carpe diem, jungle jeff 
PS. Does your own Vision send shivers down your spine?
PSS. What if it did? Can you comprehend that? I hope so.