One of the first Swiftcurrent Mountain summits, 2018.
Leadership Covid-aftershocks.
The Great Resignation launched from the already brewing side-hustle underground movement.
So many people, myself included, were experimenting with the potential to create a self-employed business model. One big enough to leave their current career path for good.
For all the reasons for what is common knowledge now – the great resignation.
No one knew what was possible, yet many dreamt of breaking free from what has always felt like a (soul-sucking) trap.
Thank you Covid-19 for disrupting the employer power play.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.
Yesterday while sitting curbside watching a Disney Streetmosphere show.
Selfie. Portrait mode. Minnie and Roy.
Note: These questions were sent to my Speaker Agent from a South American journalist. There was no face-to-face interview.
1. How job retention trends have been changing in recent years?
A. Generally, people leave a company because their leader isn’t meeting or exceeding their expectations. Employees perform in a mirror fashion to the genuine care they receive from their leaders. Great leaders are the first line of defense against rising turnover. Great leadership is reliably measured with an annual, comprehensive and anonymously submitted 360-degree review process.
2. Do work relationships change when talking about a 100% digital company? in which areas?
A. Whether you interact with your employees and customers face-to-face, through voice, or digital, the goal never changes – always exceed expectations and make people feel special by providing individualized treatment.
3. What has the digital economy taught us about results through labor benefits?
A. Sorry, i do not understand this question.
4. What model of labor benefits that Disney has can be replicated in other small or medium companies around the world?
A. Offset and compliment tangible benefits by providing many, diverse, and highly-valued intangible (low-cost to no-cost) benefits to send a great message that an organization cares for and values its employees. Additionally, make it part of your culture that one of the best intangible benefits is the opportunity to work with great leaders.
5. In your experience, ¿does monetary benefit improves the quality of the employees labor? What are other strategies?
A. Generally yes at Executive positions, with competitive salaries and bonus compensation strategies a must-have strategy. And like i said earlier, low-cost to no-cost unique intangible benefits are highly prized at every level.
In the middle and front line levels monetary incentives would be an exception. For most hourly positions the various Labor Unions dictate that annual pay increases are linked to longevity, not performance. The overwhelming majority of Disney Cast Members are not incentivized with money.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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Ever heard, “Do what you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life?”
I hope you love what you do. Where I work, we strive to hire people for positions they will most likely enjoy and are naturally suited for.
It’s called “right-fit talent”.
My wife spent ten years in a very large employment office in Central Florida. I conducted hundreds of interviews myself. So, I know the process intimately.
Want a simple answer? One that’s so easy, even a caveman can understand?
Hire people in positions where they “get to do” more than they “have to do”. It’s unsophisticated and maybe even too simple for senior HR professionals who have their own corporate HR jargon.
Do you “get to do” more than you “have to do“? How about the people who work for you and/or report to you?
Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will? If you’re a leader, the people around you are looking for “cool, calm, collected – optimistic, hopeful, inspiring“. Carpe diem, jungle jeff