What are the three untapped areas for going beyond the call of duty?

Photo of classroom customer service insight
Going beyond the call of duty is so easy, but most haven’t a clue how


Are there simple, transformational tools in existence that 99.99% of the population is unaware of?


Take the photo above for example.

Most people only focus on what someone needs.

There are three other astonishing places to address in order to go above and beyond the call of duty.

How do I know?

Been doing it for 30 years.

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Motivation Is Like A Meal

Motivation is like a meal.  Seriously.  But we all forget.

Should an Annual Conference’s motivational effects last all year?

Should monthly meetings keep teams inspired all month?

Weekly meetings?  Will the excitement last all week?

Daily meetings?  All day?

After breakfast, most humans are ready to be nourished again at lunch. Even after two decent meals, most are ready for a third meal in the evening.

We even throw in snacks to help sustain us. Why?

Because motivation, inspiration and excitement begin to subside within hours, just like meals.

Do you have any idea what this means to you and me as effective leaders?

jungle jeff in Finland?

jungle jeff in Finland?

Yes.  Was a zombie yesterday.  Severe jet lag.  Woke at 5AM here, with eight hours of fresh sleep.  I’m very consciously ignoring the fact that it’s 10PM Disney World time.  🙂

Ever notice how I always, without exception, use lower case letters in my name?

Initially, most think it’s simply a typo – that I’m not actually paying attention to the little details, which Disney is famous for.

When a person consistently does something, well or not well, it’s called a habit.

The Disney organization works desperately hard to have their employees do things consistently well.

Because, very simply, if they don’t do things consistently well, the odds are staggering that they’ll trend to the opposite.

So our son has heard me preach about using his manners, for years.  I never give up. Never get frustrated. I just keep focused. He’s “only” eight, but he fully understands this:

Stand two 8-year olds together.  Assume one consistently uses manners.  The other boy doesn’t.

Which boy will adults trust more?

Same with business.  Two businesses offer customers the same product, same price point.  One is service-focused.  One is not.

My work here today is done.   Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Why ask these questions?

I often ask myself, “Are you doing all you can do to embody the ideals of Walt and Roy Disney“?

Another popular question, “Are their values still relevant“?

Still another, “How can I demonstrate those values in the best way possible“?

Why these questions?

Because Walt Disney and Roy Disney were razor-focused on delivering the very best product, pushing boundaries, and growing their business.

That still seems relevant to me.  Does it to you?

Make it a great day.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Make Dramatic Leaps in Perfomance!

Make Dramatic Leaps in Performance!

What do you do to make Dramatic leaps in Guest Service?  Dramatic leaps in Financial Results?  Dramatic leaps in Employee Satisfaction?

Please don’t get me wrong, small, daily, incremental improvements are the name of the game.  Right?  Well, almost.

We all focus on continuous improvement through daily efforts to make small improvements, that add up over time.  Saving money.  Losing weight.  Writing a book.  Developing a new relationship.  Changing a habit.  Creating a habit.  These things don’t happen overnight.  Do they?

The challenge and the opportunity for me? I’m on a mission to make a dramatic leap in my ability to deliver value to those I serve.

What do you think Walt Disney would have used the Internet for?  What are you using it for?

What are you doing today, this week, this month, to make Dramatic Leaps in performance?

Daily improvements with the goal of Dramatic breakthroughs, is an integral part of every great company’s Culture.

Make today the day you get another step closer to your dramatic leap, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂