Cautious Loyalty?

Stairway to Organizational Heaven?
Stairway to Organizational Heaven?

Has it ever crossed your mind?

Loyalty. Organizational loyalty. The loyalty you show. The loyalty you receive.

And even if, for what ever reason, you question your current loyalty, where else would you go to find it?

Catch 22, isn’t it?

Here’s a provocative perspective from a business contact from LinkedIn.

Click here to read David Noer’s blog post: The Necessary Paradox of Cautious Loyalty.

You Like To Fail, Don’t You?

Failure Is Not An Option
Failure Is Not An Option

Tony Morgan.  Never heard of him until a few months ago.  A LinkedIn network update led me to a top ten article.

To read the top ten reasons why you and I will most likely fail at anything, click here.

Tony Morgan’s list isn’t anything new.  Heck, there’s hardly anything that’s ever really new. However, one of the great, underrated keys to success is repetition.

Let me say that again, repetition. Ya with me?

Do You Follow Your Instincts?

Trust You Instinct
Trust You Instinct

This excerpt is from a Speakers and Panelist LinkedIn Group Member, Stephen J Stulic. Relevant and powerful:

“Seek and Welcome Opportunities That Move You Closer To Realizing Your Full Potential.

Be ready when opportunity knocks. And sometimes, by taking strategic advantage of several small opportunities, you may move closer to realizing your full potential more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.

Therefore, do not be content to wait for a single opportunity to be all that you want it to be; they come in all shapes and sizes and quite often come disguised as something you would not normally expect.

A person truly centered in understanding what he wants will make more opportunities than he finds.

So, when any opportunity to become more is presented to you, be prepared to make the most of it and take action.

Follow your instincts; there is nothing more discouraging than waiting back on your heels as an opportunity ceases to be one.”

Speakers And Panalists

Wisdom, From Experience
Wisdom, From Experience

Do you use social media?

Do you understand Socialnomics?

Someday, these things will be as common as cell phones.

There are a few big ones worth getting into, just to “stay with the pack”:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. Blogs
  5. You Tube

These are the big five.  There are dozens more. For now, simplicity is the goal.

Do you read or scan through these every single day?  Tomorrow, a quote from a LinkedIn group member – Speakers and Panelists – that is particularly articulate in defining advice for aspiring people.

Meanwhile, “What will you do today that scares you and moves you one step closer to your important goals?”

Freakonomics And Sam Horn

I Love Freakonomics
I Love Freakonomics

You’ve probably heard of Freakonomics.

You probably have not heard of Sam Horn.

I met Sam Horn on LinkedIn.

Sam Horn loves quotes.  jeff noel loves quotes. In fact, jeff noel is addicted to quotes.

Sam feeds quotes to quote-addicted people like me.

She also speaks and writes.  And Sam Horn does them well, very well.

And if you have any common sense at all, you’ll trust me and click here to read this New York Times summary of her book, Tongue Fu.

I have six new ideas from reading this brief, but compelling angle to crafting your pitch, your elevator speech. Seriously.