LinkedIn profile (retired) Thanksgiving Day 2013

Google jeff noel
Google your name and be amazed at what is revealed. Never heard of 1st & 3rd ones.


November 28, 2013… retired this long-standing LinkedIn profile. Time for a change.

And added Published Author to the resume.

Bottom line, my goal is to see you reach yours.

An organization’s greatest internal goal must provide daily inspiring outcomes for front line employees.

Because front line employees don’t go to work thinking, “How can I increase shareholder value today?”

But what if your employees voluntarily extended discretionary effort to your customers without additional pay? And what if they enjoyed it and took pride in surprising and delighting your customers?

What if your leaders behaved the same way towards their direct reports?



I do what I do because souls need to be “seen” and hope needs to be “touched”.

And give speeches to change the world and never give the same speech twice.

Crazy busy, right?

Story of our lives.

Are you satisfied?

No seriously, Are you satisfied?

If you answered “Yes”, well, this probably means goodbye, if “No”, you may be onto something…

International professional speaker to a million people.

When I’m done, your audience will think so differently about common sense they’ll feel like their life (and your Company), moving forward, will never again be the same.

Sooner or later it becomes crystal clear. Life is not a dress rehearsal. So I’m here to remind you why today is not a good day to put your dreams on hold.

Mid Life Celebration is a catalyst for positive change and regret-free living and leading.

Energizing, inspiring, insightful, thought-provoking, and fun. The perfect speaker, really.

Modus operandi: If I tell your audience the answers they’ll never remember. If I help them figure it out themselves, they’ll never forget.

The unfair advantage is simply the engagement volume and variety over 14 years, and a million people.


Be well and remain amazed.

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An atypical LinkedIn profile example from jeff noel

Today’s point is subtle for most – do the challenging, creative, difficult work while everyone else is at the pity-party. Later, when they’re hungover, you’ll be celebrating.

jeff noel LinkedIn profile
jeff noel LinkedIn profile Sept 2012

As time passes and we get closer to the cyclical end of this brutal economic downturn, masses of workers will be scrambling to tell their employers goodbye. But where will they go? The time to build your network has passed.

jeff noel revamped his LinkedIn profile (old profile above), stating he has an unfair advantage as a professional speaker due to gig volume and variety.

LinkedIn profile revide Oct 2012
LinkedIn profile revised Oct 2012

Can’t determine if I love my job because of luck, or lucky came because I know how to figure out how to love my job.

Sam Horn On Personal Branding

Your brand is the first thing people think of when they hear your name…say, audacious, avant garde…

If you’re a business owner and are struggling to stay competitive, what is one of the most likely sources of your pain?


And Marketing is connected to Branding.

And Branding is connected to everything.


Sam has a tag line, “How to Breakout – Rather Than Blend In.”

Her article, “Why Is It Important To Build An Umbrella Brand” offers her five P’s you can embrace, unless you like the results you’re getting now.

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There’s A New Resume In Town

Is Social Media The New Cardboard Sign?
Is Social Media The New Cardboard Sign?

How updated is your resume?

Even if your resume is updated, it’s outdated. No, seriously.

Social media is the new resume. If you’re not using blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter, You Tube and the other emerging social media channels to promote your personal brand, you are being left behind.

Agree or disagree, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is getting the job.

What are your chances if you follow the old and outdated rules?