What does EPCOT stand for?
Every Person Comes Out Tired!
Just kidding. You can take the boy out of the Jungle Cruise, but you can’t take the Jungle Cruise out of the boy.
EPCOT stands for Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow.
That’s what Walt Disney called Walt Disney World, before it was officially named Walt Disney World. The entire 43-square mile piece of alligator, snake and mosquito infested swampland he called EPCOT.
He said it would never be completed. He added, “The sketches and plans you see here are simply a starting point. Our first overall thinking.” As he continued, “Our plans may change time and time again.” He gave us permission to take his crazy, “impossible” vision and find the best way to get to our destination – “that EPCOT will always be a showcase for American ingenuity.”
And so it is with me. And with you too. Who wouldn’t want to always be in a state of becoming. Always changing and growing -serving more people in more ways. Then those people go out and do the same. We know this as “the ripple effect”.
Who’s helping you? Who’s holding you accountable?
At last week’s National Speakers Association Winter Conference, prior to the opening Keynote speech from Roxanne Emmerich ( https://www.emmerichgroup.com/ ), author of “Thank God It’s Monday: Kicking Butt and Taking Names to Grow Your Business”, we were asked to find one or two accountability partners. It was great to establish this upfront.
Carpe diem, jungle jeff