Facebook Updates

Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Recently read a Facebook update from a friend, and, an aspiring, passionate person who’s launching a new career.

The Facebook update said to this effect, “I didn’t get the job…I learned more in one night than I did in a whole year in school.”

How powerful is that?

When was the last time any of us said something like that?

Do you:

  1. Love to learn at an accelerated pace?
  2. Value a great education?
  3. Act in a manner that mirrors your belief system?

Odds are, we all said, “Yes!”

To all three.

I say, “Doubtful.”  It’s number three that gets us in conflict.

What we see in the mirror and what others see in the mirror, almost without exception, are two different things.

Who Needs A Spanking?

Get In Line
Get In Line

Sometimes we need the proverbial spanking, or maybe a kick in the buttocks, to rattle our cage enough to do what’s common sense but not common practice.

Ask yourself, “Why don’t I have a personal vision/mission statement?”

Imagine a child – maybe your child, niece or nephew – asking you, very seriously, “What’s the meaning of life?”

We expect everyone else to have a clue.  But not ourselves.


Then one lucky day, someone did me the favor of a major cage rattling, and I finally did something about it.

Any other way is just lame.

Look At All These

Money Tree?
Money Tree?

Look at all these things we have to do:

  • Buy Insurance
  • Buckle our Seat Belt
  • Say Thank You
  • Brush Our Teeth
  • Be Nice to Others
  • Lock Our Doors Before Bedtime
  • Do a Great Job at Work
  • Blah, blah, blah

But, ask us to think about our personal vision statement, and you might as well ask us if we can grow a money tree.

Why is that?  Am I missing something?

Not A Big Deal

What Would You Find?
What Would You Find?

Hey, don’t want to make a big deal, or start some internal swirl of guilt or doubt with anyone, so I won’t dwell on this blog thing from yesterday.

But may I please say one more thing before we move on?  Google a few things and see what you get:

  • Your name
  • Your Company
  • A few key words you use

Blogging will accelerate your search engine optimization. It’s not a silver bullet, but then again, and we all know “There ain’t no silver bullet.”

And as a “put your money where your mouth is” kinda thing, Google any of my blog titles (minus the .com, .net or .org).

Maybe there is a silver bullet.

Or, beginner’s luck.

Find Your Edge

Blog? Are You Kidding Me?
Blog? Are You Kidding Me?

How’s the health of your competitive advantage?

If it is anything less than excellent, then you may want to consider what I’m about to suggest, and here’s why:

  1. Has minimal start up costs
  2. Can be done virtually anywhere
  3. Can be done virtually any time
  4. Can be done alone
  5. Progress is easily measured
  6. Provides multiple benefits when done regularly

That’s the key message today. Why would anyone avoid a low cost, incredibly flexible way to improve your edge.

You absolutely need an Internet presence. If you tune this out, you’re in big trouble. The same kind of trouble if you ignore a bad health report.

The easiest way to enhance your edge is to blog. If you don’t know how, there are tons of free online “how to” articles.

GoDaddy has 35 million domain names registered.  GoDaddy has seven million customers.

I’m one of them.

Will you be?