Happy Memorial Day

Happy.  Memorial Day.

The two words seem to contradict each other.

While my Dad and my Father-in-law served our Country, both came back alive.

My Father-in-law returned from Europe after WWII.

My Dad came back from Japan after the Korean Conflict.

There are many Families that will have a different, and more difficult, time remembering this day than most of us.

This day is dedicated to the memory of their loved ones.  The ones that never came home to see their Family grow.

It is with the utmost respect, and deepest humility, that we should all remember the price for our freedom.

Freedom isn’t free.  It often comes with a huge price tag.  

Today is about the price that has been paid in full

Walt Disney once said something very close to this, “If you could look deep into my eyes, you would see red, white and blue stripes”.

The Star Spangled Banner is one of our Nation’s great songs.  Let freedom ring.  Peace, jeff

Slide Share Newsletter

Slide Share has some great stuff for entrepreneurs, authors, presenters, public speakers, etc.  Click here to view their May Newsletter.

Wait just a minute!  I’ll bet you didn’t even find the good stuff, like this Social Media Stories slide show. PS. On the 40-slide slide show, there’s a full screen button makes it really easy to read.  Great stuff.

Smaller, Local, Regional, Start-up businesses take note:  You don’t have to be a giant to be world-class.  You just have to work harder than those you compete against for your customer base.


So what?

What a great question.  Simple.  But great.

Few things frustrate me these days.  In less than three weeks, I’ll turn 50.  Can’t wait.  What a milestone.

There are so many frustrating things out there.

It’s pretty common that people complain about aging.

But I want to know, “Why?”

Rather than complain, roll over and let it happen, there is an alternative, I believe.

So what?

Exactly.  I figure it’s an easy choice – be a statistic.

Become one of the majority that complains, or become one of the minority that just gets on with staying healthy.

Same with the economy.

Complain about it, or get on with the business of preparing for the upturn.

Historical adversity and embracing change.  Everyone you lead is taking their cue from you.

Here’s what they’re observing:

  1. What you say.
  2. What you don’t say.
  3. Your behaviors.
  4. Your attitude.
  5. Your focus.

Adversity doesn’t develop character, it reveals it.

Make it a great day to take look in the mirror and think about those five areas.  When you get back to work, be a champion.  Your people are expecting this from you now, more than ever.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂