Sometimes, jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, Gets Writer’s High

Some things are hard to explain (like this Suomi ski lift "chair")

jeff noel, America’s Work Life Balance expert, has writer’s high this morning. It’s similar to runner’s high. But very different from drug-induced highs (smirk). It’s a feeling (in running, and in writing) where the participant gets lost in the rhythm of the activity and reaches a place were the motions are effortless and pleasurable.

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For Baby Boomers, Personal Leadership Begins With Choosing Between A Midlife Crisis Or A Midlife Celebration

Our Brain Affects Our Attitude How Much?

Midlife offers baby boomers two personal leadership choices. Have a midlife crisis or a midlife celebration. What’s the difference? Prolific Blogger jeff noel says it’s an attitude, a passion for life. To choose between victim or victor.

Excellent personal leadership is hard. Good and very good personal leadership are much easier. But jeff noel cautions that good and very good aren’t good enough. Not if you want to look back with few regrets.

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Here’s What We Also Talked About

Want to know what else we talked about?


Pros and cons of lists.

We didn’t get far because we quickly moved to content.

My friend suggested, in his opinion, my blog posts don’t exactly end with a finishing point.

For example, my friend said, “You don’t tell people what they should do”.

And I thought, “Perfect”!

It’s called facilitation.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂