Same thing will happen again in 24 hours

sunrise in Winnipeg
Same thing will happen again in 24 hours


When we habitually watch the clock at work, wishing time would go by faster, we are surviving.

When we look at the clock and worry that we don’t have enough time, we are thriving.

When we no longer have a need for a clock, we have perfected the art of living and working.

Lofty? Of course.

Impossible? Depends on the person.

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Time flies, no?


Time flies, no?

It’s been 15 years since first speaking here. And 30 years total at WDW.

The point is, Disney Institute, while a great idea at inception in 1996 has morphed into something not remotely part of the original vision.

Remarkably different.

This is a metaphor for our life.

Let that flexibility, challenge, and growth inspire you to reach ridiculously high.

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Volunteering can become contaminated when we expect this

jeff noel's health blog Lane 8 .org
mind – BODY – spirit – money – hq


Writing five daily, differently themed blogs is volunteering. But it’s contaminated giving because I have an ulterior motive. By giving, I expect to receive. Big time.

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Note: The motive is simple. To hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant”.


Time management or priority management?

knowing your priorities
without knowing our priorities, it's impossible to get to yes

I often wonder if the reason people focus first on managing their time, is because they don’t know, or can’t articulate, their priorities.

Do you know your priorities cold? What if you did? If you do, how has it transformed your life?

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Photo: pulled from Facebook post, source unknown.