Our morning routine controls our destiny

Banner about cheating
Yesterday at Gold’s Gym Orlando


Our morning routine controls our destiny.

Photo is from yesterday at Gold’s Gym.

Personal leadership means you should be need to be a model of health.

If you are not…explain personal integrity to me again.

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Resolve equals fail, commit equals succeed

Orlando Based Disney Consultants


(photo: November 20, 2014… two committed Cast Members, each with 30 years of devotion and commitment to excellence)

The difference between resolving to do something versus committing to do something is the difference between failing and succeeding.

Enterprise-wide or even simply departmental customer service resolutions never work for the same reasons New Year’s resolutions don’t work.

Making an official declaration of change out of desperation or exasperation never works.

Only deep emotional desire (commitment) to never return to where we are will ensure our efforts never tire, our eyes transfixed on the future.

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Organizational vibrancy is this simple and this hard

Orlando Top Disney Speakers


(photo: Open for Organizational Transformation?)

Organizational vibrancy is this simple:

  1. Do you work in an organization that has employees serving customers?
  2. Do you rely on customer satisfaction to drive their intent to recommend and return?
  3. Do you live and die on the belief that customer and employee loyalty is the key to your financial success?
  4. Do you have to constantly and creatively solve everyday challenges, big and small, planned and unplanned?
  5. Do you have a leadership team responsible for leading your organization at every level?

Organizational vibrancy is this hard too.

Mid Life Celebration’s founder spent 30 years at Disney, including 15 consulting for Disney Institute. He retired October 31, 2014 and is available to help organizations become more vibrant.

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Four things they have that the others haven’t mastered yet

Stack of Mid Life Celebration books
Most people dream of publishing a book.


When we think about how lucky someone else is in their career, know what happens to our psyche?

We sabatoge it.

We stifle it.

We do many things, except get a grip and understand that at one time, they were exactly where we are now.

And admit that why they are where they are is because they refused to let mistakes, embarrassment, pain, rejection, ridicule, and exhaustion stop them.

How does one know such things?

Tenacity, perseverance, determination, and milestones.

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