What makes us smile about accomplishing something like this?

Reams Road construction near Disney World Cast Entrance
Obscure photo (not to the neighbors) taken on a run near Disney’s North Cast entrance.


What makes us smile because we’ve worked hard our whole life to reach a certain point in our life?

And does anyone know?

Does anyone even care?

In the big picture, it doesn’t matter.

Because we do it for ourselves and the things it allows us to do for others.

Heading to Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park today. And tomorrow.

Shoot, can go there seven days a week if desired.

Talk about miracles, no?

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Ever been to one (or all) of these places in your career?

Tree growth rings in a wooden bridge post
Slow and steady growth, year after year after year


After nearly 15 years (since March 1999) and speaking to over one million people, something magical is happening within a career.

Ever been to a place like this in your lifetime?

The place where you feel like:

  • an artist
  • unencumbered
  • unmotivated by title, status, rank, salary
  • on fire
  • work everyday as if your life depended on it
  • become a stranger with fear
  • marry possibility
  • inspire positive change
  • feel like you have finally arrived
  • and the next week, years, or maybe even decade (or second half) are your years to bloom

This is insane. Like the first day of first grade.

Real life in real time.

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He told the guy something astonishing

Five large wooden stumps as Hawaiian Country Store front porch chairs
Not that guy and not those seats


He told the guy something astonishing. He said, “I see you speaking in packed stadiums”.

It was a freaky, fairly random, and completely unsolicited comment.

The recipient felt unusually comfortable with the surprise.

Isn’t our first goal personal transformation. (yet no one clarifies and reinforces this)

A big part of this is the art of humility and compassion.

Two extraordinarily rare business attributes.

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