i never let that happen, except yesterday

Disney Keynote speaker
Awaiting an intimate group of the seven top company executives. Take note of the five blank posters on the far wall.


Disney management Consultant
Revealed these posters one by one after the content was revealed during the slide presentation.


i resisted doing it, and told the CEO why. But i did it anyway as a favor to the CIO who recommended me – he is also a former client from Disney Institute.

i was justified in not wanting to do a “sales presentation”.

At best i give myself a C (average).

My goal is never anything less than an A+.

Five core topics with a total of 19 strategies, plus two 10-15 minute activities was impossible in 60 minutes, my allowed time.

i went over by 10 minutes and used a verbal Uzi to spray as much content as possible – for their benefit.

i opened and closed with activity, there was none for the 40-minute middle chuck.

i never let that happen.

Except yesterday.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


The CEO is primarily interested in the bottomline

Disney's Celebration Place
Woman using umbrella for shade, not rain, at Disney’s Celebration Place.


CEO’s and other senior executives want quick, cost effective solutions to things they’ve been unable to conquer.

My main job is finding creative ways to help them see their blindspot.

It’s gonna take time and money.

And a level of commitment they’ve never experienced before.

Note to self: Selling is the transfer of enthusiasm.

Next Blog

Is profit the reward or the goal?

Sanibel Island gift shop sign
Never saw a Sanibel Island gift shop sign quite like this one.


Sanibel Island gift shop item
Will senior management learn to cup possibility in their hands?


The senior management team met yesterday morning to present their compelling recommendations to their Board.

One of those recommendations is to hire me to help them:

  • Transform their culture
  • Move from good to great
  • Develop competitive immunity
  • Create a culture by design from a culture by default
  • Build something every employee wants to protect

At this point it is out of my hands, like an injured athlete with timing not in her favor, and so i wait.

Next Blog

Bet You Have It Too

Far Away?
Far Away?

Passion.  Bet you have a ton of passion.

Maybe you’re in a job where your passion thrives. Maybe you’re not.

Does passion make for a better worker?

Do you do your best work around something you’re passionate about?

How many leaders are in positions that got them a better title, a better paycheck, better meetings, and better perks, but took them further from their passion?

And then there are people who have found their passion, their dream job, but over the years they have allowed things beyond their control to poison themselves.

Imagine your own situation.

Competent Incompetent


Has anyone ever called you a competent incompetent?

If so, consider yourself a rookie. But, a rookie with incredible opportunity.

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, even seasoned professionals may sometimes feel like a competent incompetent.

And there’s just one thing I’d like to say about that. Remember who you are and why they hired you in the first place.

When I first became a professional speaker, I knew nothing, zip, zilch, notta, zero, about public speaking.

This was a good thing, my new boss told me.

What the?

And what’s weird about his comment, I agreed with him.

I was fully aware I didn’t know a thing about my new career path.

Public Speaking for a large Central Florida company was frightening. The people that made up the team I just joined were seasoned professionals.


The new guy, that didn’t have a clue. But they eluded to the reason why they hired me, over all their other choices.

“You have the most heart!  The most passion.”

Here we are, 11 years later.