What to do if you don’t love what you do

career blues
figure out how to adapt or leave (is there a 3rd option?)

Ever have a weird experience? I mean, at an intersection red light? Yesterday morning 8am, driving to the airport after dropping off our son at school I notice the van next to me is a fellow school parent. We roll our windows down, “Bet you can’t wait to get started!”, I exclaimed.

Oh, she could wait. It seems the social services organization is very political in who receives help. She hates this. The light turned green and off we went. I’d find a way to adapt, if I loved the work but not the workers. Or I’d systematically plan my exit.

What would you do?

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When It Comes To Advancing In Our Job, What Are Some Common Sense Tactics To Get Ahead

There's a lot of crap out there, be careful

How many self-help leadership books and articles have been written about career management, getting ahead and becoming a better leader? A gazillion, more or less. Boomers, ever stop to wonder what they’re all trying to say?

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Do You Follow Your Instincts?

Trust You Instinct
Trust You Instinct

This excerpt is from a Speakers and Panelist LinkedIn Group Member, Stephen J Stulic. Relevant and powerful:

“Seek and Welcome Opportunities That Move You Closer To Realizing Your Full Potential.

Be ready when opportunity knocks. And sometimes, by taking strategic advantage of several small opportunities, you may move closer to realizing your full potential more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.

Therefore, do not be content to wait for a single opportunity to be all that you want it to be; they come in all shapes and sizes and quite often come disguised as something you would not normally expect.

A person truly centered in understanding what he wants will make more opportunities than he finds.

So, when any opportunity to become more is presented to you, be prepared to make the most of it and take action.

Follow your instincts; there is nothing more discouraging than waiting back on your heels as an opportunity ceases to be one.”

Bet You Have It Too

Far Away?
Far Away?

Passion.  Bet you have a ton of passion.

Maybe you’re in a job where your passion thrives. Maybe you’re not.

Does passion make for a better worker?

Do you do your best work around something you’re passionate about?

How many leaders are in positions that got them a better title, a better paycheck, better meetings, and better perks, but took them further from their passion?

And then there are people who have found their passion, their dream job, but over the years they have allowed things beyond their control to poison themselves.

Imagine your own situation.