Make No Small Plans

Love And Be Loved (too lofty?)
Love And Be Loved (too lofty?)

Small plans are okay. As Mother Teresa said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love.”

So then are big plans better?

Think back through your career. Where did you have the most success?  The most reward? The most passion? The most determination?

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. You can quote me on that.

I Have A Dream

He Thinks I'm God
He Thinks I'm God

Do you have a dream?  Of course you do.  Who doesn’t?

Do you know the question behind the question?

No seriously, do you?

I mean, “Do you have a dream so big, everyone considers it impossible?”

Maybe you should.

Last year, after reading Robert Kiyosaki’s bestselling book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, dreams of a different kind began to form.

And this week, I’ll share a few more highlights.  Meanwhile, there is a fairly comprehensive Rich Dad Poor Dad summary in the top banner. It’s been there for a year.

You can see a lot when you look around.

Find Your Edge

Blog? Are You Kidding Me?
Blog? Are You Kidding Me?

How’s the health of your competitive advantage?

If it is anything less than excellent, then you may want to consider what I’m about to suggest, and here’s why:

  1. Has minimal start up costs
  2. Can be done virtually anywhere
  3. Can be done virtually any time
  4. Can be done alone
  5. Progress is easily measured
  6. Provides multiple benefits when done regularly

That’s the key message today. Why would anyone avoid a low cost, incredibly flexible way to improve your edge.

You absolutely need an Internet presence. If you tune this out, you’re in big trouble. The same kind of trouble if you ignore a bad health report.

The easiest way to enhance your edge is to blog. If you don’t know how, there are tons of free online “how to” articles.

GoDaddy has 35 million domain names registered.  GoDaddy has seven million customers.

I’m one of them.

Will you be?