Why Are You In Trouble?


Because you don’t have time to read this.

Because you don’t have time to follow this leadership blog.

Because you keep quoting others and have no quotes of your own.

Because you keep waiting for someone else to change.

Because you feel life isn’t fair.

Because you talk a good talk, but don’t walk a good walk.

Because you’re afraid.

All of these things can be dealt with.  But you don’t know where to begin.

Begin here.

One small daily step at a time.

Humans want quick fixes.

When will you finally accept that life doesn’t work like that?

Life works the opposite.

jungle jeff New Year New You?

Morning After Remedy?
Morning After Remedy?

Happy New Year.  Anyone reading this with a hangover?  🙂

Just a guess. A hunch.  Been there done that.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 the highest, how much thought have you put into your big, audacious goals for 2010?

You don’t even want to know mine.  Seriously. It’s like a 15, or maybe a 20!

That’s totally flipping out of control, isn’t it?  Maybe some of you are still drunk, but pinky-swear, that’s the real number.

Okay, here comes the Hail Mary Pass – I ain’t waiting to find out my time is almost up, and then try to start doing something great.

I also am not going to wait for another potentially serious wake-up call to get my butt in gear.

Different strokes for different folks.

Think Like a Failure?

Cybrarian.  Never heard of this person, probably.  No worries.  I had never heard of it until this month.

Librarian.  Everyone’s heard of this person, probably.  The librarian is in charge of the library – the place where books are kept.

How many of you can see it coming?  The day when books will be relics on display in museums. It may not happen in the next 10-20 years, but it will happen.  And it may even happen sooner.

The music industry never saw it coming. They should have led the revolution, instead, they were victims of it.

Free music file sharing over the Internet.  Preposterous!  Exactly.

Cybrarians can see it coming.  Amazon’s Kindle is the first ripple of the cybrarian tsunami.

Surf’s up, dude.  Catch a (digital) wave.

Glee Twitter Imagine

Last night, sort of by chance, I watched ten minutes of ABC’s new show, Glee.  Those ten minutes changed my mind about something.

And also yesterday, while changing a security question, one choice was,  “What’s the name of your favorite song?” Led Zeppelin immediately came to mind.

The rendition on Glee last night, and the inspiring lyrics to John Lennon’s “Imagine”, made me rethink the whole favorite song thing.

Yes, definitely, “Imagine”.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”

Only Going to Say This Once

Please listen carefully.  This simple fact about public speaking may be the key to becoming a more effective leader.

But only if people listen very carefully, and not rush through this.

Here’s the truth about being a Professional Speaker:

  • If you look out at your audience and they look bored, you’re boring them
  • If you look out and they are on fire, you lit it

Leaders hate to admit they sometimes stink are not highly effective. This makes them look bad and feel horrible. Who wants that?

But the simple truth is, if the people around you don’t seem passionate about their work, their mission, their customers, guess what?

PS.  If your team is on fire with passion, mission, service, guess what?