Speakers And Panalists

Wisdom, From Experience
Wisdom, From Experience

Do you use social media?

Do you understand Socialnomics?

Someday, these things will be as common as cell phones.

There are a few big ones worth getting into, just to “stay with the pack”:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. Blogs
  5. You Tube

These are the big five.  There are dozens more. For now, simplicity is the goal.

Do you read or scan through these every single day?  Tomorrow, a quote from a LinkedIn group member – Speakers and Panelists – that is particularly articulate in defining advice for aspiring people.

Meanwhile, “What will you do today that scares you and moves you one step closer to your important goals?”

Get Me Out Of Here?

Ever wonder if we are more like vultures than not? It occurred to me that we are actually just like them.

Over the weekend, our Church’s Cub Scout Pack spent the night at Brevard Zoo.  There were many safety rules, because of the children, the darkness, the animals, etc.

In the morning, before breakfast, we were still confined to a certain area to remain safe. Across from our cabin, I spotted the vulture cage. There was a wild vulture standing on the cage pole, with other vultures just a few feet away on the inside.

Couldn’t help but have this moment of truth fly through my brain and capture it on this one-take You Tube video:

Any of this sound familiar?

John Maxwell Quote

Time Waits For No One
Time Waits For No One

Quote from John Maxwell, courtesy of Bob Stewart.

“Law of the Niche: People are most valuable where they add the most value.”

Duh, right?  No brainer.  Obvious. Get a clue. You can’t be serious.

In the hectic pace with which we travel through our days (weeks, months), we often miss the most basic of life’s truths.

This happens to me with our son.  I’ll get caught up in my work, and the next thing you know, the week has flown by and our son has done amazing things, but guess who hasn’t noticed?  Guess who wasn’t there to add a little coaching, a little fun, a little encouragement?

Guess what else?

Life is like this.  Always was, is now, and always will be. Whatever your level in your organization, you must find your own ways to stay engaged, to stay passionate.

I see so many people who are stuck.  Many of them leaders, responsible for inspiring and developing others, the way a parent does with children.

They get stuck managing their to-do list instead of inspiring and developing their people.  Just like a Parent.  Just like me.

But the days (weeks, months) fly by.

Our son can not wait for me to find the time.  His life marches on at an incredible pace. He will not slow down for me. I must find the way(s) to keep up with him.

Same is true as a leader, and as an employee who follows orders. Same as you. You must figure this out yourself and not wait.

Because if you don’t, what are you stuck with?

I Have A Dream

He Thinks I'm God
He Thinks I'm God

Do you have a dream?  Of course you do.  Who doesn’t?

Do you know the question behind the question?

No seriously, do you?

I mean, “Do you have a dream so big, everyone considers it impossible?”

Maybe you should.

Last year, after reading Robert Kiyosaki’s bestselling book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, dreams of a different kind began to form.

And this week, I’ll share a few more highlights.  Meanwhile, there is a fairly comprehensive Rich Dad Poor Dad summary in the top banner. It’s been there for a year.

You can see a lot when you look around.

Competent Incompetent


Has anyone ever called you a competent incompetent?

If so, consider yourself a rookie. But, a rookie with incredible opportunity.

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, even seasoned professionals may sometimes feel like a competent incompetent.

And there’s just one thing I’d like to say about that. Remember who you are and why they hired you in the first place.

When I first became a professional speaker, I knew nothing, zip, zilch, notta, zero, about public speaking.

This was a good thing, my new boss told me.

What the?

And what’s weird about his comment, I agreed with him.

I was fully aware I didn’t know a thing about my new career path.

Public Speaking for a large Central Florida company was frightening. The people that made up the team I just joined were seasoned professionals.


The new guy, that didn’t have a clue. But they eluded to the reason why they hired me, over all their other choices.

“You have the most heart!  The most passion.”

Here we are, 11 years later.