Hey Fear, You Can Kiss My Glass, I’m Toasting To Your Defeat

Don't Let Midlife Allow Your Common Sense To Go Into The Sewer

Courage. Energy. Enthusiasm. Guts. Indomitable will. Clear, concise, compelling vision. A purpose higher than ourselves. Tenacity. 

Without realizing it, in tough times, it’s like we cross off the obvious success formula. Never get bored with the basics.

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If It’s Obvious…

Ignoring The Facts Won't Make It Disappear
Ignoring The Facts Won't Make It Disappear

The Responsibility Never Ends

The Responsibility Never Ends

Motivation is like a fire. We need to keep adding fuel to our passions or what happens?

Common sense, but not common practice.

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Tell ‘Em What You’re Gonna Tell Them

Can you immediately share the essence of what it is that you do, with others?

The first rule of public speaking is to tell your audience what you’re going to tell them.

After you do that, the next two rules are (also) simple:

  1. Tell them
  2. Tell them what you’ve told them (review)

But the best advice I ever got was this:

  • Be Passionate
  • Tell Stories
  • Use Personal Examples

Can you break down what you do into the top three most important (and simplest) components? What if you could?

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Pushing The Envelope

You study leadership, don’t you? You read. A lot. You watch others, with the intent to learn two things:

  1. What works
  2. What doesn’t

The world is overloaded with wanna-be’s and imitators.

In today’s world, if you want to stand out, you need to do one of two things:

  1. Do what everyone else is doing, differently
  2. Do something no one else is doing

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