Would you gamble on this?

orlando Professional Speakers


(photo: You can cover a fair piece of ground in 80 minutes.)

We set the call for 9:40am. He wanted to see if a former Disney Institute Professional Speaker might be a right fit for his client.

The run became extended – much longer than expected, so the call was placed from Disney’s Magic Kingdom Cast Member parking lot.

Seriously. Just standing in a parking lot, negotiating….

His client owns, as he states, “The Country’s most profitable Casino“, in Syracuse, New York.

After the call, walked over to Disney University for a drink of water and then began the three mile walk home.

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Who should be the deepest thinker in any room?

Orlando Based Former Disney Speakers


(photo: Screen capture from You Tube.)

The Internet has changed everything and made it even more difficult (distracting information overload) to focus with a laser beam on the target, which is to deliver uncompromising business excellence.

At a packed conference, or in a corporate meeting room, who should be the deepest thinker in the room?

The speaker.

The speaker will never be intimate with how your industry works, but they darn sure better be intimate with the most powerful business questions every organization should be constantly asking themselves.

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Is Balance the future of work?

Orlando's Best Disney Customer Service Speakers


(photo: The W does not stand for Walt Disney, it stands for WordPress – which supports more than 20% of the World’s websites.)

Balance is the future of work. Or so some claim.

Impossible, right?


That’s why Mid Life Celebration set out in 1999 to make it happen in spite of it’s nonexistence in the workplace.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Mid Life Celebration will not receive any awards for creating the formula for balance, but it’s founder, jeff noel, did receive The Walt Disney Lifetime Achievement Award, twice, during his 30-years Disney career.

PS. This is only important if you are looking to hire the best catalytic keynote speaker money can buy. If you’re going to believe in something important, believe in it all the way.


It’s contagious.

(also extremely contagious is not believing all the way)

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Life is not fair

Orlando Disney Customer Service Speakers


(photo: MBA student’s daily homework.)

A graduating MBA student asked for advice because she is encountering one dead end after another.

But she’s smart because she realizes there are many other candidates with MBA’s.

An MBA doesn’t open the door for someone to come waltzing in.

Not fair is it?

Another option is to actually start your own business and administer it. A self-made MBA.

Nothing like the real thing to put things in perspective.

And yes, life is not fair.

The amount of work it takes to get picked is unfair.

Get used to it.

Because if you want something as badly as you want your next breathe, now is your time.

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Literally every CEO is too busy to worry about their culture

Disney Customer Service Keynote Speakers


(photo: Most people don’t realize how difficult it is to speak on camera until they are asked to. Same with creating a world class culture. And no one actually asks you to because they assume you are already working on your culture.)

Most executives are stuck. And you might be one of them.

This is long so if you’re not a meeting planner or executive looking for a breakthrough keynote speaker, save your time and move on. And just to be clear about breakthrough, the platform and messages have been honed from 30 years at Disney.


With your leaders? Your employees? With customer satisfaction? With profits? With your ability to continuously improve, at everything?

Are you serious about world class business excellence?

What if you could partner with a leader who is hellbent on helping you and your organization put a dent in your Universe?

For starters, to help you…

Live like you mean it.
Lead like you mean it.
Serve like you mean it.

To challenge you to choose between a life of seeing profit as the goal or seeing profit as the reward.

Remarkable keynote speakers, the ones that challenge everything and compel you to rethink the five keys to competitive immunity, well, yeah, we need more of them.

A new one just entered the marketplace….

The perfect keynote compels people to be brave enough to burn their ships..

If not now, when? If not ever, why?

407-538-4341 | [email protected]

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