Simplify, simplify, simplify

Disney Keynote speeches screenshot
All five speeches had: “Like You Mean It” in them. Just trimmed 20 words total.

Simplify, simplify, simplify.

An hour ago a client asked if there are slides for the upcoming Disneyland Customer Service Keynote.


Haven’t done a speech with slides since the one right before the Spring 2019 TEDx Talk in Kuwait.

Remember, i’ve delivered 2,000 speeches with slides. Then the biggest speech of my life i go slide-less. Talk about leaning into discomfort.

Client then asks if there’s a Speech title they can or should use.

In the moment, i went here and shortened all five speech titles from a typical:

SERVE Like You Mean It: Four World-Class Customer Service Basics


SERVE: Four World-Class Customer Service Basics.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Of course business is complicated

airport crowd
One of them is a Disney executive and unable to travel freely, simply because the job demands his on-site presence. The others are on a 10th-grade trip to San Francisco.


Of course business is complicated, which is why we must fight like heck to simplify everything.

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This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


When it comes to culture

Culture definition
Profoundly simple, simply profound.


When it comes to culture, it’s brutally simple.

Confusion repels.

Clarity attracts.

Culture by design, or culture by default.

What we accept by default becomes the standard.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


Biggest career April Fool ever?

Disney Customer Service Keynote Speakers
Yesterday’s 10-mile run included a mile walk through Magic Kingdom.


Biggest April Fool ever?

Some small things that were ridiculously minor tweaks, but i didn’t do them.

Why not?

Why don’t any of us (broad stereotype) do the easy (life-changing) tweaks standing right in front of us?

The good news is some time later i experimented with trying the opposite:

  • Moving the home office desk from facing a wall to facing out a window in 2009.
  • Moving from always speaking up in every meeting to never speaking up, in 2007.

The notion of “doing a 180” really can pay astonishing dividends – game changing dividends.

In the two examples above, the reward was seeing things everyday that you were never in a position to see.

Next Blog

An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special

jeff noel on bike ride
Be creative. Be hopeful. Be grateful.


An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special.

Easy to glorify and cheer for the month, quarter, year, or record setting achievements.

Yesterday – Father’s Day – was a solemn reminder.

Wife and son out of state taking care of important Family business.

A Dad, a leader, all alone.


Not in a million years.

We have come to know the true meaning of Father’s day when we learn to celebrate it every single day.

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