April @ jungle jeff

Hey Dad, why didn’t you ever start your business when you where younger?

Good question Son. Tell you tomorrow. But first, today’s inspirational nugget:

Procrastination is opportunities natural assassin. – Victor Kiam

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Yesterday’s answer: The successful implementation of an idea.

As Prolific Bloggers Go

As prolific bloggers go, jeff noel is up there among those at the top – Seth Godin, Perez Hilton. Seem boastful? People ignorant to the inside scoop, generally think the wrong thing. It’s the way our glorious world works.

All good advertising, Marketing and PR is designed to do one thing – make the organization, or person, look better compared to other choices.

As an Internet startup, on a boot-strap budget, I’m in charge of Internet Marketing and Blog SEO.

If you’re looking for a casual, humorous blog, this ain’t it.

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jeff noel’s Epiphany Moment

The odds of failure increase the higher you reach…

jeff noel’s epiphany moment came when I realized how much room there is for failure when you wait until the day of to write five new, fresh, original blog posts.

Here’s the blogging insight: Readers can’t comprehend (because they really don’t care) the creative effort, inspired energy, and passionate commitment it takes to do something no one else on the Internet is doing.

It takes many years to become an overnight success. Only those with a clear, concise and compelling vision will break through to the tipping point.

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