Lizard Breath?

Lizard Brain?
Lizard Brain?

What the?  Lizard breath?

Yes. Weird titles can be effective. Sometimes. Today’s post is about helping us understand our inherent resistance to change, even though we know change is the way.

What about providing links to other bloggers who are smarter, more successful and have way more readers than you?

What about it?  Who cares, really? You may find Seth Godin more real and more something else. You may not.

And I don’t mean bullcrap phony real. We’re talkin’, “As real as the day is long” real.

Seth Godin’s thinking is brilliant. Have had a link to his blog on the right hand column for a long time. Seth Godin’s thinking inspires me, and countless others.

Click here to go to Seth Godon’s blog post from yesterday.

Anyone need a mint?

Do You Follow Your Instincts?

Trust You Instinct
Trust You Instinct

This excerpt is from a Speakers and Panelist LinkedIn Group Member, Stephen J Stulic. Relevant and powerful:

“Seek and Welcome Opportunities That Move You Closer To Realizing Your Full Potential.

Be ready when opportunity knocks. And sometimes, by taking strategic advantage of several small opportunities, you may move closer to realizing your full potential more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.

Therefore, do not be content to wait for a single opportunity to be all that you want it to be; they come in all shapes and sizes and quite often come disguised as something you would not normally expect.

A person truly centered in understanding what he wants will make more opportunities than he finds.

So, when any opportunity to become more is presented to you, be prepared to make the most of it and take action.

Follow your instincts; there is nothing more discouraging than waiting back on your heels as an opportunity ceases to be one.”

Speakers And Panalists

Wisdom, From Experience
Wisdom, From Experience

Do you use social media?

Do you understand Socialnomics?

Someday, these things will be as common as cell phones.

There are a few big ones worth getting into, just to “stay with the pack”:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. Blogs
  5. You Tube

These are the big five.  There are dozens more. For now, simplicity is the goal.

Do you read or scan through these every single day?  Tomorrow, a quote from a LinkedIn group member – Speakers and Panelists – that is particularly articulate in defining advice for aspiring people.

Meanwhile, “What will you do today that scares you and moves you one step closer to your important goals?”

Get Me Out Of Here?

Ever wonder if we are more like vultures than not? It occurred to me that we are actually just like them.

Over the weekend, our Church’s Cub Scout Pack spent the night at Brevard Zoo.  There were many safety rules, because of the children, the darkness, the animals, etc.

In the morning, before breakfast, we were still confined to a certain area to remain safe. Across from our cabin, I spotted the vulture cage. There was a wild vulture standing on the cage pole, with other vultures just a few feet away on the inside.

Couldn’t help but have this moment of truth fly through my brain and capture it on this one-take You Tube video:

Any of this sound familiar?

Are You Forgettable?

What Are You?
What Are You?

What are you, if you are anything but unforgettable?

  • Forgettable
  • Average
  • Ordinary
  • Plain Vanilla
  • Doomed

These things make a strong case for one target.  Unforgettable.