
Why is it so hard to get great results?

You know what I think?

I think most people don’t know what the goal is.

You buy that?

Doesn’t matter.


It doesn’t matter what I think.  What matters is what you think.

Want to test your leadership influence?

Ask the people who know you to describe what they think your vision is.

Adversity doesn’t develop character, it reveals it.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Great Social Media Advice From Britney Spears’ Social Media Director.

Great Social Media Advice From Britney Spears‘ Social Media Director.

View article and video.

What does this have to do with business, money and jeff noel?

What does it have to do with you?

Everything, I believe.

I’m studying Social Media, Social Networking and Social Marketing.  I read and watch everything I can, to understand it.  I also experiment with social media strategies and social media tactics to see which are the most effective and why.

Turbulent times or great economic times, it doesn’t matter. Everyday is a great day to be working hard to produce excellent results.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  I’ll also copy this post on jungle jeff’s PAGE – Better Business Blogging 101

Delta Airlines Agent Delivers the Wow Factor

On a recent trip, a Delta Airlines Attendant engaged me in an otherwise routine and unengaging part of flying – taking off.

Below are two You Tube video links for short, but interesting views of how something so ordinary can become extraordinary.

First clip.

Second clip.

Make it a GREAT Monday, because if you don’t, who will.  If not this Monday, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Is Disney afraid to take risks?

Is Disney afraid to take risks?

Not in a million years.  Walt Disney was the ultimate “envelope-pusher”.

Pushing the envelope is a phrase used when someone goes where no man or woman has gone before. Faster, higher, longer, deeper, more difficult, whatever.

In ten years of traveling regularly, I’ve never seen In-Flight Internet access.

Until yesterday.

It worked GREAT.

It was easy to create an account at www.gogoinflight.com .  Seems like gogo inflight is pushing the envelope.

The world is changing.  Fast.

I’ll bet if Walt Disney was alive, he’d love the speed, and, the breeze in his face.

I know I sure do.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Are Impossible Goals Best?

Is setting an impossible goal the best way to ensure your success?

Almost sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?

If it’s impossible, than it can’t be done.  Right?

Well, here’s what I think:

“If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. 

Only a hunch, and I’ll bet most who read this will be in such a rush, that the insightful message will be lost.

Trust me, I have embraced this insight.  And it has made all the difference in the world.

Best wishes for continued success as you pursue your big dreams.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂