Driving through town yesterday on an errand – stopped in traffic.
My town’s Chamber of Commerce logo.
Love the flag.
Hometowns essentials are our Kingdoms, no?
As CEO of You, Inc, Creating Magic is your responsibility.
Word for word from a Canadian University website…
There are five powerful lessons in business, lessons carefully developed by the Disney organization in its never-ending pursuit of excellence. These universal pillars of a successful business—leadership, culture, service, brand and innovation—are the keys to sustained business excellence. Together, these lessons forge an enduring bond between inspired leaders, motivated employees, satisfied customers, and an ability to drive stakeholder value.
Throughout this course, you will discover insights that drive Disney parks and resorts organization and gain awareness of how these insights could be adapted to strengthen your own organizational efforts.
Did you know: i spent the last 15 years of a 30-year Disney career teaching and advising at Disney Institute? Traveled the globe preaching the “Good News” of Walt Disney.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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2014, taken with just enough of me to show “i was there’, backstage.
Wrote this at the request of an inquisitive, ambitious, driven, creative, and self-driven individual.
Working with Sports Organizations while at Disney Institute, here are a few i remember personally working with, during 15 years of full-time speaking from 1999-2014:
With the exception of USATF and NACDA, all other sports organizations participated in Leadership Excellence training for their executive teams.
All NBA teams i worked with also rolled out a second wave of training for every leader in their organization, which also had the Executives attending to demonstrate commitment.
A third layer of training completed the initial “Service Excellence” rollout which involved every front line employee, including part-time workers.
After the three-tiered rollout, additional assessments where made, driven by the individual organization’s economics and overall vision. The Orlando Magic demonstrated the most ongoing commitment. They also had the best customer service improvements.
On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.
This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.