Get Me Out Of Here?

Ever wonder if we are more like vultures than not? It occurred to me that we are actually just like them.

Over the weekend, our Church’s Cub Scout Pack spent the night at Brevard Zoo.  There were many safety rules, because of the children, the darkness, the animals, etc.

In the morning, before breakfast, we were still confined to a certain area to remain safe. Across from our cabin, I spotted the vulture cage. There was a wild vulture standing on the cage pole, with other vultures just a few feet away on the inside.

Couldn’t help but have this moment of truth fly through my brain and capture it on this one-take You Tube video:

Any of this sound familiar?

Are You Forgettable?

What Are You?
What Are You?

What are you, if you are anything but unforgettable?

  • Forgettable
  • Average
  • Ordinary
  • Plain Vanilla
  • Doomed

These things make a strong case for one target.  Unforgettable.

Bet You Have It Too

Far Away?
Far Away?

Passion.  Bet you have a ton of passion.

Maybe you’re in a job where your passion thrives. Maybe you’re not.

Does passion make for a better worker?

Do you do your best work around something you’re passionate about?

How many leaders are in positions that got them a better title, a better paycheck, better meetings, and better perks, but took them further from their passion?

And then there are people who have found their passion, their dream job, but over the years they have allowed things beyond their control to poison themselves.

Imagine your own situation.

Pants On The Ground

It’s time for a complete 180 degree turn from the jungle jeff “seriousness”. It’s time for complete nonsense and a laugh or two. You good with that?

Who doesn’t like to laugh?  Humans were born with certain predispositions. Laughing is near the top of everyone’s list.

Love or hate American Idol, it doesn’t matter to me.  I love it for a few compelling reasons, which aren’t listed here. And what started my loyalty to the show was Simon Cowell’s “brutal honesty”.

If for no other reason, we tuned in week after week to watch him be honest.  It was a time when I really needed a role model for “brutal honesty”.  Was desperate for it myself and didn’t know how to get it.

So, by watching Simon, we got to see the power – the magic – of brutal honesty.

I actually saw watching American Idol as leadership training. Most others saw it as entertainment.

Brutal honest is essential for world-class results.  You could see in the contestant’s eyes, and their body language that Simon’s feedback was the most important of all.

Even if it hurt.

These people were trying to be the best in the world.  The next ‘common person’ to sell millions of songs. Millions. Can you comprehend that?

Simon would say what everyone else was thinking but no one had the guts to say. This intrigued me. This motivated me. It also made me laugh.

Are You A Rat, Racing?

Frozen Asset?
Frozen Asset?

Rich Dad Poor Dad defined a term, and helped put perspective on the Rat Race cliche.

Basically, human nature teaches us to buy more or bigger (more expensive) things when we receive a promotion or a monetary raise from our job.

So, our expenses are never less than our earnings.  We fail to save money, let alone invest money.

This cycle repeats itself until we die.

What really woke me up to this whole rat race thing was when Robert Kiyosaki said, “If you think your home is your biggest asset, you’re in trouble.”

Wait, that’s exactly what I’ve always thought. And now you’re telling me that it’s wrong?