Exact photo and email content…what you read next is what i emailed to someone, including this photo…
Forest fire smoke last year provided a view i’d never seen in 45 years of visiting.
Intentionally engage with nature…enjoy, have fun, inspire, refresh, rethink, renew, reprioritize, transform, recommit…the list goes on and on.
BFO – this is a fleeting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to question everything you believe in and decide what your next 10 years hold for you, for the people you love, and for your professional career (your legacy).
Be amazed and be amazing.
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Most executives are easily distracted by bright, shiny things.
Dear Company Executive,
Do you trust your gut?
Me too.
May i remind you…
Recently, you received the gift of gut reactions from the only person (me) that confronted you when none of your inner-circle did, even though they had ample opportunities. And i did it quickly, after a single encounter with you.
So you know first hand how incredibly powerful my gut (and courage for confrontation) is.
First, here are the key snippets from a sterotypical Executive Coach’s website:
“I have also earned the Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation from the International Coaching Federation.”
“Less than 5% of all professional coaches worldwide hold this designation.”
“The primary significance of this for my leaders is that a) I have done a ton of coaching, and b) I have been judged by my peers as meeting the highest standards of the coaching profession.”
Now, i’m gonna dissect my gut reactions based on the three points above.
Sentence 1: Sounds impressive, and she needs to sound impressive. She’s sunk if she can’t sound impressive. Period.
Sentence 2: The wow-factor, top of her industry. This was a purchased opportunity, like an MBA or a PhD. She needs the wow factor.
Sentence 3: Like “going-the-extra-mile” is a flawed proposition, this sentence reveals something inexperienced CEO’s will never know. Disney has a standard of excellence that no one can comprehend, except those who spent a lifetime there…that’s 30 years for me, my Executive friend. i’ve literally seen it all, at every level. From Michael Eisner and Frank Wells to brand new Custodial Hosts and Hostesses (janitors).
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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The context here is two-fold…yesterday’s client had a fair amount of initial skepticism about hiring because she never heard of me, i don’t have any speaker videos, and i’m expensive.
Simultaneously, i’m negotiating with a CEO for “Executive Coaching 201” level opportunity.
More on this in a moment.
Both opportunities are nearly identical – expensive and no executive video testimonials that my 201, higher level executive coaching is worth the price – however, this CEO has not only heard of me, but she renewed her yearly executive coaching contract without hesitation.
The obstacle in front of us is proving solitude is a tangible, powerful, and game-changing CEO tactic.
Silence is golden. Be quiet and make a fortune.
Silence, we never knew you were so significant.
This is elusive. Not talking about silence (although it’s obviously true) here, i’m referring to the processing of info – uncommon processing of the right information is how breakthroughs generally occur.
So simple and so powerful. Referring to the curved lines, and, the word.
She said, “You hit it out of the Park.”
i replied humbly, “Wow.”
She continued, “We need to schedule you for next year.”
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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Our Son’s Headmaster asked for the title and summary of tomorrow’s 30-minute Executive Summary for him and his executive Council…
Title: If Disney Ran Your Business
Through a set of simple, fun, insightful, hands-on activities, you’ll learn the over-arching thesis for Disney’s success architecture that enables consistent and sustainable world-class results. This “architecture” currently has Disney sitting in the #5 position – Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies. You will also come to realize that it’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.
Be amazed and be amazing.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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