The two keys nobody wants to hear for creating Magic

Black Walnut Cafe entrance


(photo: The secret? It’s just two things.)

Focus and discipline are the two main ingredients for creating Magic.

Focus on the basics.

Discipline yourself to never get bored with the basics.

That’s it.

It ain’t complicated.

But it does require world class determination.

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Every morning jeff writes five different, short, and pithy posts about the challenging and wonderful balance between:

mind • body • spirit • work • home

All five websites are seamlessly connected by a convenient and easy to click link to go to the next topic.

Try it below if you never done it, or if it’s been awhile.

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The two most under rated, yet obvious, keys to sustainability

Grocery store tabloid section
Same we we took it off – focus and discipline


How does one keep off the weight? Same way we took it off – focus and discipline.

Is it really that simple?


We know this.

Stop looking for some secret formula, no?

With weight maintenance and with organizational cultural maintenance…

Our personal culture is our responsibility.

Our work culture is our responsibility.

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The word Disney is not mentioned once

Public hallway at Disney
Public hallway at Disney


This morning, the first post sharing the news.

(sure it happened 100 days ago. And yes, no one blogs like this. Blah, blah, blah, right?)

Has anyone ever worked – say 34 years – for a moment to finally say, it’s done. It’s available online?

The word Disney is not mentioned once.

No reference whatsoever.

The most under rated piece of peace of mind that could ever be placed in a book is what I was able to leave out.

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Painfully Simple: Everyday Or Not At All

Captiva Island, Florida general store, 2010….

When you tell me to stop, I’ll stop. Until then, here’s another example of leadership behavior – dreaming of a brighter future.

There are painful times in our lives when we must swallow a bitter pill – the truth.

Bottom line, I had two choices when it came to drinking, everyday, or not at all. December 30, 2001 was the last time.

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3 Things My Friend Looks For

He’s also an expert at Time Management…

He looks for 3 things. Skill, attitude and passion.

That would be my friend, Lee Cockerell.

Okay, got the attitude and passion down cold.

If focus, discipline and purpose were rolled together into a single skill, then it looks like 3 for 3.

Do you have tactics for pressing on, no matter the obstacles? You should. Blogging is the best one for me. You just witnessed real life in real time, and may not have even known.

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