There’s A Point To Simplicity And Healthy Living That Applies Beautifully To Our Careers

Pick up one end of the snake and the other end will follow.

Looking back on the past few posts, it would be easy to think this blog is no longer about (money) career responsibility. Wrong. What I have discovered and now abide by is simply this: There is a synergy that strengthens or weakens our work life balance…

Insight: It is impossible to carry one end of a stick without carrying the other.

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When It Comes To Advancing In Our Job, What Are Some Common Sense Tactics To Get Ahead

There's a lot of crap out there, be careful

How many self-help leadership books and articles have been written about career management, getting ahead and becoming a better leader? A gazillion, more or less. Boomers, ever stop to wonder what they’re all trying to say?

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