Leadership can stink and people accept it

PH Glatfelter Paper Mill


If you’re riding in a vehicle several miles east of town, with the windows down, and the person next to you is visiting for the first time in their life, they will ask the obvious question, “What’s that smell?”

To which the lifetime resident will respond with, “What smell?”

What begins for us as ‘finding our groove’ eventually becomes the daily rut of life and leadership.

PS. Converting a forest of trees to reams of paper is a smelly process.

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The things we need to say goodbye to

American Idol sign at Disney's Hollywood Studios
Be careful what we wish for (note to self)


Take ownership of our career.

We know this.

And learn to let go of the things that negatively creep into our personal space.

It’s toxic.


The things we need to say goodbye to dramatically increase our odds of achieving more.

Letting go propels us forward.

But be forewarned…

Don’t let your blind ambition erase your intuition.

It’s tough being ambitious in an overly competitive world.

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Climbing up the ladder of success, and buying more and bigger stuff

Group of Giraffes in Florida Zoo
No ladders to climb with Mother Nature


The paradox of the American rat race, climbing up the ladder of success, and buying more and bigger stuff:

Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time. – Margaret Bonanno, American writer

Very difficult to earn serious income without serious time commitment.

The challenge (and opportunity) is to find a way to travel in any direction, and be happy with the view.

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Who’s to blame, the one who doesn’t say, or the one who doesn’t ask?

window sign - hope
look closely (backwards)… is hope enough?



You’re in an important meeting. The leader is looking for input. The team is looking for direction.

The leader talks the most. Most people don’t say (contribute) much, if anything.

Eventually the meeting ends.

Both groups depart feeling cheated in a way.

Who’s to blame, the one who doesn’t say, or the one who doesn’t ask?

People are quiet, not because they have nothing to say, but because they do not feel their opinion is valued.

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Wonder if Walt Disney Ever…

Wonder if Walt Disney ever jogged?  Or ever went to the gym?  Or swam, walked or biked with any regularity?

I have never read anything that suggests Walt Disney was physically active.

This is one dimension where Walt Disney and jeff noel differ.

Yesterday, to celebrate turning 50, I ran the annual Watermelon 5k, in Winter Park.  There had to be close to 1,500 to 2,000 runners and walkers there.

The American Council of the Blind (ACB) had their annual convention in Orlando and its members participated! For the first time ever the ACB used a fun run/walk to raise funds and encourage their members to embrace an active and healthy lifestyle.

Embrace an active and healthy lifestyle? Hmm….That’s one of the common sense things that everyone can embrace.

Here’s to your health:

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂