Would You Like To Travel For A Living?

Dear son, thank you for your patience and understanding while I travel. Remember, the soldier from Sunday night’s Extreme Makeover: Home Addition?

At least we get to see each other a few days each week.

Lambeau Field, home of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers.

An 18-hour travel day, 3 hours sleep, and then give a day-long speech in hopes of changing the world. Priceless.

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Glee Twitter Imagine

Last night, sort of by chance, I watched ten minutes of ABC’s new show, Glee.  Those ten minutes changed my mind about something.

And also yesterday, while changing a security question, one choice was,  “What’s the name of your favorite song?” Led Zeppelin immediately came to mind.

The rendition on Glee last night, and the inspiring lyrics to John Lennon’s “Imagine”, made me rethink the whole favorite song thing.

Yes, definitely, “Imagine”.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”

Mantra, Mantra, Mantra

Mantra, mantra, mantra.

From Wikipedia:  A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of “creating transformation” (cf. spiritual transformation).[1] Their use and type varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra.

I will not be discouraged.

I will not be discouraged.

I will not be discouraged.

There will be  times when you think the path you’re on – the one you convinced yourself and others was absolutely the way – may actually be wrong.

This is why courage and perseverance were invented.

Disney and number 42?

Who said, “A life is not important, except for the impact it has on other lives“?

Number 42 said it. Number 42? Yep.

With relatives from Pennsylvania staying with us for a few weeks, our routine is adjusted. The TV is on more often, playing programs we do not normally watch. Wednesday’s ABC Evening News is a great example.

Charlie Gibson started talking about baseball having 15 games played that day.  So?  Well, he then starts telling the story about how every player on this one team was wearing the same number. Number 42.

Then, he says that everyone on the opposing team was wearing number 42. What the?

Not only that, but every player on all 30 teams that played those 15 games Wednesday, had the number 42 on every jersey.


Because it was that day in history when a HUGE barrier was broken.

It was the day when you no longer had to be white to play baseball.

It was the day Jackie Robinson, a black man, first played major league baseball, 62 years ago.

I don’t know about you, but I’m eternally grateful to any person who pushes the boundaries and finds a better way.

Jackie Robinson, number 42, did that. We should all stand up and cheer.

The Walt Disney Company, was founded in 1923 by two brothers, boundary pushers, just like Jackie Robinson.

In honor of Jackie, Roy and Walt Disney, I challenge myself to do something today that will make the world a better place. Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂